Quantization, Gauge Theory and Strings,
Proceedings of the International Conference
dedicated to the memory of Professor Efim Fradkin,
editors: A.Semikhatov, M.Vasiliev, V.Zaikin
Scientific World, Moscow, 2001
Volume I
Introductory Talks - 1
O.N.Krokhin - Greetings to the Conference - 3
V.L.Ginzburg - About Efim Fradkin - 5
E.L.Feinberg - E.S.Fradkin as a Personality - 10
L.Brink - Some Reminiscences of Efim Samoilovich Fradkin - 12
P.van Nieuwenhuizen - In Memoriam Efim Fradkin - 15
Yu.Romanov - On Professor Efim Fradkin's Involvement in the Secreti Project - 16
Strings, Branes and M-theory - 19
C.Angelantonj, A.Sagnotti - Type-I Vacua and Brane Transmutation - 21
I.Ya.Aref'eva, D.M.Belov, A.S.Koshelev, P.B.Medvedev - Tachyon Condensation in Cubic Superstring Field Theory - 35
E.Bergshoeff, A.Van Proeyen - The Unifying Superalgebra OSp(132) - 48
N.Berkovits - Covariant Quantization of the Superstring - 60
L.Brink - Euler Multiplets, Light-Cone Supersymmetry and Superconformal Algebras - 73
M.Cederwall, U.Gran, M.Nielsen, B.E.W.Nilsson - Generalised 11-dimensional Supergravity - 94
B.de Wit - BPS States, Duality and Membranes in M-theory - 106
B.Dragovich - p-Adic and Adelic Strings - 108
M.Frau, L.Gallot, A.Lerda, P.Strigazzi - Non-BPS D-branes of Type I - 115
T.Harmark, N.A.Obers - Hagedorn Behavior of Little String Theories - 124
C.M.Hull - Beyond Geometry: Gravity and M-Theory Above the Planck Scale - 134
R.R.Metsaev - Light-cone Approach to Eleven Dimensional Supergravity - 143
D.Minic - Towards Covariant Matrix Theory - 153
P.Pasti, D.Sorokin, M.Tonin - Superembeddings, Branes and Nonlinear Realizations - 162
K.Peeters, P.Vanhove, A.Westerberg - Supersymmetric R4 Actions and Quantum Corrections
to Superspace Torsion Constraints - 173
J.Plefka - Vertex Operators for the Supermembrane and Background Field Matrix Theory - 180
J.H.Schwarz - Recent Progress in Superstring Theory - 190
A.A.Tseytlin - "Long" Superstrings in AdS5 x S5 - 202
Noncommutative Geometry - 217
E.Bergshoeff, D.S.Berman, J.P.van der Schaar, P.Sundell - The M5 Brane and Noncommutative Loop Space - 219
E.Bergshoeff, D.S.Berman, J.P.van der Schaar, P.Sundell - The M5 Brane and Noncommutative Open Strings - 231
L.O.Chekhov, V.V.Fock - Observables in 3D Gravity and Geodesic Algebras - 237
M.Chaichian, A.Demichev, P.Presnajder - Noncommutative Field Theory: Ultraviolet Behaviour and Symmetry - 248
Y.M.Makeenko - Reduced Models and Noncommutative Gauge Theories - 257
Brane Compactification - 269
I.Ya.Aref'eva, M.G.Ivanov, W.Muck, K.S.Viswanathan, I.V.Volovich - Linearized Gravity on Thick Branes - 271
A.Gorsky, K.Selivanov - Brane Tunneling and the Brane World Scenario - 280
V.D.Ivashchuk - Black P-brane Solutions for General Intersections - 293
R.Kallosh - Cosmological Constant, the Brane World and Supersymmetry - 301
D.Marolf - Chern-Simons Terms and the Three Notions of Charge - 312
K.S.Stelle - RS Braneworlds in Type IIB Supergravity - 321
Conformal Field Theory and AdS/CFT Correspondence - 331
I.Bars - Survey of Two-Time Physics - 333
J.Gegenberg, G.Kunstatter - Boundary Dynamics of Higher Dimensional Chern-Simons Gravity - 358
R.Manvelyan - R-currents and Trace Anomalies in the (2,0) Tensor Multiplet in d=6 and AdS/CFT Correspondence - 368
M.Ya.Palchik, V.N.Zaikin - Secondary Fields in D>3 Conformal Theories: the Existence Conditions for D-dimensional Generalization of Two Dimensional Models in Quantum Field Theory - 375
A.C.Petkou - An Operator Product Expansion Analysis of N=4 SYM4 at Weak and Strong Coupling - 382
J.Rahmfeld - Superspace: Bulk vs. Boundary - 388
K.Skenderis - Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes and their Stress Energy Tensor - 394
Higher Spin Theories - 403
S.Ferrara, C.Fronsdal - Conformal Fields in Higher Dimensions - 405
S.E.Konstein, M.A.Vasiliev, V.N.Zaikin - Conformal Higher Spin Currents in Any Dimension and AdS/CFT Correspondence - 427
V.Pershin - Interaction of Higher Spin Massive Fields with Gravity in String Theory - 437
A.Yu.Segal - Point Particle - Symmetric Tensors Interaction - 443
M.A.Vasiliev - Progress in Higher Spin Gauge Theories - 452
Integrable Systems - 473
B.L.Feigin, A.M.Semikhatov - Commutant of the Dq(21;alpha) Quantum Group - 475
B.L.Feigin, A.M.Semikhatov, I.Yu.Tipunin - Possible Applications of the Semi-Infinite Construction to Integrable Lattice Models and the Modular Functor in CFT - 488
A.V.Gurevich, N.G.Mazur, K.P.Zybin - Statistical Limit in a Completely Integrable System - 495
S.V.Ketov - Holographic Duality, Supersymmetry, and Painleve Equation - 523
A.Losev - New Moduli Spaces, Commutativity Equations and SQM - 529
A.Marshakov - Seiberg-Witten Integrable Systems and N=1 SQCD - 536
A.Mironov - Seiberg-Witten Theories, Integrable Models and Perturbative Prepotentials - 549
Chr.Ritter, G.von Gehlen - Correlation Functions and Corner Transfer Matrix of the Chiral Potts Model - 563
Author Index - 579
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Volume II
Quantum Mechanics - 1
K.B.Alkalaev - On the Classical Mechanics of Interacting Spinning Particle - 3
I.Bialynicki-Birula - Canonical Quantization and the Relativistic Wave Equations - 9
V.A.Dolgushev, S.L.Lyakhovich, A.A.Sharapov - Wick Type Symbols and Deformed Algebra of Exterior Forms - 19
S.P.Gavrilov, D.M.Gitman - Quantization of Relativistic Particles and Consistent Relativistic Quantum Mechanics - 27
I.B.Khriplovich - Equations of Motion of Spinning Relativistic Particles - 36
N.Mankoc-Borstnik, H.B.Nielsen - Why Odd Space and Odd Time Dimensions in Even Dimensional Spaces? - 45
A.Nersessian - Massless Particles and Space-Like Curves - 51
G.S.Sharov - Strings in Meson and Baryon Physics - 57
V.S.Vanyashin - Approximation Properties of Basis Functions in Variational Three Body Problem - 64
Quantum Field Theory - 69
V.Ya.Fainberg, B.M.Pimentel, J.S.Valverde - Dispersion Method in Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Theory - 71
A.Sch.Goldhaber, A.Litvintsev, P.van Nieuwenhuizen - New Results for the Quantum Supersymmetric Kink - 83
V.I.Man'ko - Moyal and Path Integral Quantizations and the Probability Description of Classical and Quantum States - 92
S.S.Shahverdiyev, I.V.Tyutin, B.L.Voronov - On Local Variational Differential Operators in Field Theory - 101
A.G.Smirnov, M.A.Soloviev - Wick Power Series in Indefinite Metric Field Theories - 107
M.A.Soloviev - Connection between Spin and Statistics, CPT symmetry, and Analytic Wave Front Set of Distributions - 117
Gauge Theory - 131
A.A.Abrikosov, Jr. - Instanton Solutions in Curvilinear Coordinates - 133
L.Baulieu - A Curious Relation Between Gravity and Yang-Mills Theories - 139
N.Boulanger, T.Damour, L.Gualtieri, M.Henneaux - No Consistent Cross-Interactions for a Collection of Massless Spin-2 Fields - 150
I.L.Buchbinder - Low-Energy Effective Action in N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theories - 162
S.Durr - The Phase Transition in the Multiflavour Schwinger Model - 171
B.Eden, C.Schubert, E.Sokatchev - Four-Point Functions of Chiral Primary Operators in N=4 SYM - 178
F.Ferrari, I.Lazzizzera - A Chern-Simons Field Theory Approach to the Polymer Physics - 185
M.A.Grigoriev - Even and Odd Brackets and Quantization - 194
P.M.Lavrov, P.Yu.Moshin - Superfield Covariant Quantization with BRST Symmetry - 205
R.Marnelius - Open Group Transformations - 214
H.Neuberger - Regulated Chiral Gauge Theories - 227
O.Piguet - Diffeomorphism Invariant Theories and Vector Supersymmetry - 236
A.A.Slavnov - Bosonized Formulation of Field Theories - 246
A.Vainshtein - Monopole, Gluino and Charge Condensates in Gauge Theories with Broken N=2 Supersymmetry - 255
V.M.Villanueva, J.Govaerts, J.-L.Lucio - Quantizing Gauge Theories without Gauge Fixing: the Physical Projector - 270
B.M.Zupnik - Short Harmonic Superfields and Light-Cone Gauge in Super-Yang-Mills Equations - 277
QFT with Background Fields - 293
V.N.Baier - Ifluence of a Medium on Coherent Scattering of High-Energy Photon - 295
E.J.Ferrer - Non-Perturbative Effects of Strong Magnetic Fields on Neutrino Self-energy: A New Approach - 301
S.A.Fulling - Reflections on the Role of Asymptotic Analysis in Physics - 307
V.de la Incera - External Magnetic Fields in QFT: A Non-Perturbative Approach - 316
S.L.Lebedev - Vacuum Energy and Casimir Force in a Presence of Skin-depth Dependent Boundary Condition - 325
K.A.Milton - Dimensional and Dynamical Aspects of the Casimir Effect: Understanding the Reality and Significance of Vacuum Energy - 333
A.I.Nikishov - Vector Boson in a Constant Electromagnetic Field - 350
V.I.Ritus - The Physical Properties of Scalar and Spinor Field States with Rindler-Milne (Hyperbolic) Symmetry - 356
Yu.A.Sitenko - Effects of Singular External Fields and Boundary Condition on the Vacuum of Massless Fermions in QFT - 366
V.Skalozub, V.Demchik - Electroweak Phase Transition in a Hypermagnetic Field - Perturbative Consideration - 375
V.D.Skarzhinsky,J.Audretsch - Singular Potentials and Absorption Problem in Quantum Mechanics - 388
G.Soff, T.Beier, I.A.Goidenko, L.N.Labzowsky, A.V.Nefiodov, G.Plunien, S.Zschocke - Quantum Electrodynamics in Strong Fields - 397
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology - 413
A.O.Barvinsky, D.V.Nesterov - Quantum Cauchy Problem in Cosmology - 415
A.O.Barvinsky, A.Yu.Kamenshchik, C.Kiefer - Decoherence and Ultraviolet Divergences in Quantum Cosmology - 427
W.Dittrich - Bloch-Nordsieck Approximation in Linearized Quantum Gravity - 436
V.Frolov, P.Sutton, A.Zelnikov - Dimensional Reduction Anomalies - 450
D.V.Fursaev - Black Hole Thermodynamics, Induced Gravity and Gravity in Brane Worlds - 462
M.Z.Iofa - Magnetic Black Holes in String Theory - 471
A.Linde - Inflationary Cosmology and Creation of Matter in the Universe - 481
S.N.Solodukhin, S.de Haro, K.Skenderis - Gravity in Warped Compactifications and the Holographic Stress Tensor - 495
QCD and High Energy Interactions - 505
I.V.Andreev - Soft Photon Emission as a Sign of Sharp Transition in Quark-Gluon Plasma - 507
J.P.Blaizot - Self-Consistent Approximations and the Entropy of the Quark-Gluon Plasma - 515
O.D.Chernavskaya, E.L.Feinberg, I.I.Royzen - Remarks to the Theory of Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions - 521
I.M.Dremin - Wavelets on Nuclear Interactions and QCD on Jet Multiplicities - 533
A.Leonidov - On Nonlinear Evolution Equations in QCD - 542
K.A.Ter-Martirosyan - Gluons in the QCD Bound State Problem -- a Way to Exact Solution - 553
Appendix - 567
List of Publications by E.S.Fradkin - 593