On March 5, 2025, a scientific session of the Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Space Physics and Plasma Physics" is being held, dedicated to the centennial anniversary of Sergey Syrovatsky (1925—1979).
List of talks
The Andrei Sakharov Science Endowment Fund has selected fellows for the 2024-2025 academic year. Among the winners are our colleagues:
- Yuri Tatarenko (1-year postgraduate student, EP "Theory of Fundamental Interactions and Quantum Gravity" MIPT)
- Timur Khalilov (2-year postgraduate student, Department of Problems of Physics and Astrophysics MIPT)
Board's Decision
Congratulations to our colleagues Vladimir Khiteev and Andrei Kanoda on for
the award of the Gold Medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists and students!
The medals were received in the nomination "Nuclear Physics" for their work "Wilson networks in AdS space
and global conformal blocks"!
Vladimir and Andrey are also PhD students of the Educational Program
"Theory of Fundamental Interactions and Quantum Gravity" of MIPT affiliated with the Tamm Theory Department
LPI (supervisor K.B. Alkalaev).
On this day,
90 years ago,
the Theory Department of Lebedev Physical Institute was established
The Efim Fradkin Centennial Conference ( ) organized
by the Tamm Theory Department has ended.
The Conference brought together most of the leading experts in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics currently
working in Russia.
Information about the Conference on the websites:
Lebedev Institute,
Scientific Russia Electronic Periodical,
Russian Academy of Sciences
The doctoral dissertation of our coleauge Denis Sobyanin was recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission as
one of the best this year!
Thank You Letter
The Russian Science Foundation supported the project of our colleague Alexey Kop'ev,
"Theory of passive transport in Kolmogorov turbulence"
at the competition "Conducting initiative research by young scientists" of the Presidential Program of research projects.
We congratulate our colleagues — the winners of the all-Russian competitions 2024 of research grants of the Basis Foundation in theoretical physics for scientific groups and individual scientists:
M.A. Vasiliev (grant "Leader")
E.E. Nokhrina (grant "Leader")
K.B. Alkalaev (grant "Junior Leader")
M.M. Pavlov (grant "Junior PostDoc")
I.S. Fateev (grant "PhD student")
Theory Department staff member Mikhail Vasiliev was included in the latest list of the most cited scientists in the field of physical sciences and mathematics, which is compiled by the Scholar GPS platform.
"ScholarGPS® is a constantly updated and fully indexed collection of metadata of scientists, corresponding to more than 200 million archived publications (journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, patents).
On June 3, 2024, our colleague A.M. Kovalenko successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Dissertation Committee of the Lebedev Physics Institute:
"Fluctuation phenomena in anisotropic hydrodynamics", research area 1.3.3: Theoretical Physics.
On May 27, 2024, our colleague A.S. Ilyin successfully defended his Doctor or Science dissertation at the Dissertation Committee of the Lebedev Physics Institute:
"Stochastic transport in isotropic flows", research area 1.3.3: Theoretical Physics.
On May 20, 2024, our colleague A.V. Korybut successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Dissertation Committee of the Lebedev Physics Institute:
"Deformed oscillator algebra and spin-locality in higher-spin theory", research area 1.3.3: Theoretical Physics.
Our colleague Igor V. Tyutin was
awarded the 2024 Isaac Pomeranchuk Prize!
The International Committee announces the results of voting for the election of laureates of Isaac Pomeranchuk Prize
in 2024 the Prize was awarded to::
Prof. Andrei Linde (Stanford University) for his outstanding contributions in Cosmology and in particular for the Inflationary Universe Theory he formulated with A. Guth and P. Steinhardt. Later he applied his ideas of cosmic inflation within String Theory and Supergravity
Prof. Igor V. Tyutin (Р.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the discovery and use of the BRST symmetry for the quantization of gauge theories he formulated in parallel to and independently of the work of Carlo Becchi, Alain Rouet, and Raymond Stora, thus providing an essential tool for further developments. The procedure is also of fundamental importance for attempts at constructing string field theories.
Our congratulations to Anatoly E. Shabad on his 85th birthday!
Congratulatory address
Our congratulations to Mikhail I. Vysotsky on his 70th birthday!
Congratulatory address
On April 16, the TD Scientific Council approved K.P. Zybin (Laboratory of Space Physics Problems) and E.A. Kuznetsov (Laboratory of Mathematical Physics) as laboratories directors
On April 10, 2024, the LPI Scientific and Technical Council summarized the results of the competition for new scientific groups. In total, 34 groups were supported, of which 6 operate in the Theory Department:
Conformal field theories, higher spin theories and AdS/CFT correspondence (K.B. Alkalaev, 9 participants)
Mathematical methods for modelling the processes of functioning of multi-agent socio-economic and virtual systems (E.E. Vasilyeva, 8 participants)
Research of nonlinear wave structures in chemical physical and biophysical systems (V.V. Gubernov, 10 participants)
Exact solutions to the higher spin theory: symmetry breaking and black holes (V.E. Didenko, 5 participants)
The theory of turbulent transfer of frozen fields and its applications (A.S. Ilyin, 7 participants)
Methods of quantum gravity and their applications in physics of the quantum origin of the early inflationary Universe (A.V. Kurov, 6 participants)
Boris L. Voronov is 85 years old today!
Congratulatory address
Our colleague Ilya Fateev was awarded the Tamm Prize at the 2024 Lebedev Institute Competition of Young Scientists for a series of works
"Dynamical modes in networks of superdiffusively coupled neurons",
We congratulate Ilya and wish him further scientific achievements!
On March 11, 2024, our colleague D.N. Sobyanin successfully defended his Doctor or Science dissertation at the Dissertation Committee of the Lebedev Physics Institute:
"On the theory of kinetic and magnetic processes in dynamical problems of nonequilibrium astrophysics and solid plasmas", research area 1.3.3: Theoretical Physics.,
[ arXiv ]