Gitman Dmitry Maximovitch
Professor, Doctor of Phys.&Math.Sciences, Principal Researcher
phone.: (499)132-6517, E-mail:
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Education and academic titles

1961-1966: Graduation and Master's degree - Department of Physics of Tomsk State University - Russia
1969: Ph.D. Title - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, obtained with the thesis "Variational Principles in Quantum Statistics"
1979: Received the title "Doctor in Sciences" with the thesis "Problems of External Fields in Quantum Electrodynamics", Institute of Nuclear Physics of Novosibirsk
1981: Received the academic degree "Cathedratic Professor of the chair of Theoretical Physics"

Academic positions

1969-1970: Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics - Tomsk Institute of Automation Control Systems and Radio Engineering (TIASUR), Tomsk, Russia.
1970-1975: Associate Professor at the Department of Physics - Tomsk Institute of Automation Control Systems and Radio Engineering, Tomsk, Russia.
1975-1985: Cathedratic Professor of the chair of Mathematical Analysis - Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU), Tomsk, Russia.
1985-1992: Full Professor of the Department of Mathematics - Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA), Moscow, Russia.
1992-2014: Full Professor, (RDIDP, level MS-6) at the Institute of Physics - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
(2004-2008-: Завудующий Департамента Ядерной физики, Института Физики Университета Сан Пауло, Бразилия).
2014-...: Principal Researcher at I.E.Tamm Theory Department, Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia.
1995-...: (Brazil) Research Productivity Scholarship highest level PQ-1.
2014-...: Senior Professor at the Institute of Physics - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Research and supervision

Were supervised more than 20 PhD students and 3 doctor in sciences.
Were published more than 300 articles and 8 books;
There are more than 4150 authentic citations of Gitman`s works in journals and international books (Citation Index),
H-factor - 29,
i10-индекс 87 (according to Google Scholar,, .

Books published

1. Д.М.Гитман, Е.С.Фрадкин, Ш.М.Шварцман. Квантовая электродинамика с нестабильным вакуумом. М. Наука. 1991. 294с.

2. E.S.Fradkin, D.M. Gitman and Sh.M.Shvartsman, Quantum Electrodynamics with Unstable Vacuum (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New-York London Paris Hong-Kong Barcelona, 1991) pp. 1-300.

3. D.M.Gitman and I.V.Tyutin, Quantization of Fields with Constraints pp. 1-291 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New-York London Paris Hong-Kong Barcelona, 1990).

4. V.G.Bagrov and D.M.Gitman, Exact Solutions of Relativistic Wave Equations, pp. 1-321 (Kluwer Acad. Publisher, Dordrecht Boston London, 1990).

5. Д.М.Гитман, И.В.Тютин. Каноническое квантование полей со связями. М. Наука. 1986. 216с.

6. В.Г.Багров, Д.М.Гитман, И.М.Тернов и др. Точные решения релятивистских волновых уравнений. Новосибирск. Наука. 1982. 114с.

7. D.M.Gitman, I.V.Tyutin and B.Voronov, Self-adjoint Extensions in Quantum mechanics, Birkhauser (Springer Verlag, 2012) 511c.

8. V.G.Bagrov and D.M.Gitman, Dirac Equation and its Solutions (de Gruyter, Boston, 2014) 444с.


last updated: April 28, 2015