SMILE  v2.5
Schwarzschild Modelling Interactive expLoratory Environment
smile Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for smile:


file  common.h
 provides forward class declarations, several abstract data classes, a couple of global functions, and global constants (header file only).
file  configfile.cpp
file  configfile.h
 Reading/writing of INI files.
file  core.cpp
file  core.h
 Main business logic for both GUI and console versions, and the console scripting class.
file  gui.cpp
file  gui.h
 Main GUI window class that handles all interactive operations.
file  icgenerator.cpp
file  icgenerator.h
 Classes for generating the initial conditions for the orbit library.
file  iodata.cpp
file  iodata.h
 Input/output of various kind of data to/from text or binary files.
file  iosnapshot.cpp
file  iosnapshot.h
 Input/output of Nbody snapshots in various formats.
file  main.cpp
file  mainc.cpp
file  managepotential.cpp
file  managepotential.h
 Creation of CPotential and CMassModel instances, and input/output of potentials.
file  massmodel.cpp
file  massmodel.h
 Class for dealing with spherical isotropic mass models.
file  massmodelaxi.cpp
file  massmodelaxi.h
 Class for dealing with axisymmetric mass models.
file  odeint.cpp
file  odeint.h
 ODE integration classes.
file  optimization.cpp
file  optimization.h
 Interface to linear/quadratic optimization solvers for Schwarzshild modelling.
file  orbitan.cpp
file  orbitan.h
 Orbit analysis classes.
file  orbitint.cpp
file  orbitint.h
 Orbit integration class.
file  orbitlib.cpp
file  orbitlib.h
 Classes for handling the orbit library and creating an Nbody model.
file  potential.cpp
file  potential.h
 Classes for computing potential, forces and density for various mass models.
file  schwarzschild.cpp
file  schwarzschild.h
 Classes that compute and store various data for Schwarzschild modelling, and the driver class for performing modelling.
file  utils.cpp
file  utils.h
 several mathematical, statistical, string formatting and error reporting routines