Session 1638, December 29, 1999
1. News
2. G.V.Shpatakovskaya
Quasiclassic Describtion of Fermion Systems:
Atoms, Atomic Clusters, Nuclei
3. Yu.S.Barash
Surface Coherent Bound States of Quasiparticles in
High Temperature Superconductors: Theory and Experiment
Session 1637, December 22, 1999
1. News
2. V.L.Golo
Quantum Computers
Session 1636, December 15, 1999
1. News
2. I.M.Dremin, O.V.Ivanov, V.A.Nechitailo
Wavelets and Fractals (Applications to Physics, Medicine,
Aviation etc.)
Session 1635, December 8, 1999
1. News
2. G.S.Bisnovaty-Kogan, O.V.Shorokhov
Evolution of the Distribution and Radiation Spectrum
of Electrons under the Action of Magneto-Bremschtralung
3. D.R.Khohlov
New Type of Fotoreceptors for Infrared Astronomy
Session 1634, December 1, 1999
1. News
2. Yu.N.Dnestrovsky
Achievements and Difficulties in the Problem of
Controlled Thermo-Nuclear Synthesis with Magnetic Confinement
Session 1633, November 24, 1999
1. News
2. V.I.Manko, J.Marmo, G.Sudarshan, F.Zakkariya
Superposition Principle and
Probability Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
3. V.A.Sirota
Features of Microlensing by Non-Compact Dark Matter Objects
Session 1632, November 17, 1999
1. News
2. V.B.Braginsky, M.L.Gorodetsky, K.S.Thorn, F.Ya. Halili
Quantum Measurement Problem in Gravitational Antennas
Session 1631, November 10, 1999
1. News
2. B.N.Zakhariev
Quantum Mechanics of Mono- and Poly-channel Systems
(Method of Inverse Task and Supersymmetry)
Session 1630, November 3, 1999
1. News
2. I.I.Royzen
Virtual Photon Structure and Photoscattering
of Adrons in Strongly Inelastic Processes
3. B.A.Volkov
Formation and Behaviour Features of Shallow Levels
in Narrow Gate Semiconductors
Session 1629, October 27, 1999
1. News
2. V.F.Mukhanov
The Origin of the Universe: Hypotheses and Facts (Review)
Session 1628, October 20, 1999
1. News
2. K.I.Kugel, A.A.Zhukov, A.L.Rakhmanov
Vortex Lattice in High Temperature Superconductors:
Pinning and Commensurability Effects
3. Ya.N.Istomin
Session 1627, October 13, 1999
1. News
2. A.V.Gurevich, K.P.Zybin, N.G.Mazur
The Turbulence Theory in Dispersional Hydrodynamics
Session 1626, October 6, 1999
1. News
2. B.M.Bolotovsky
An Analogue of Babinet's Theorem
in Diffraction Radiation Theory
3. E.G.Maksimov
Hidrogen at High Pressures
Session 1625, September 29, 1999
1. News (V.L.Ginzburg, V.P.Silin, V.S.Beskin et al)
2. A.V.Klyuchnik, Yu.E.Lozovik, S.P.Merkulova
Near Field Microscopy and Nanolythography
3. A.S.Melnikov
Elementary Exitations in High Temperature
Superconductors in Magnetic Field
Session 1624, September 22, 1999
1. News
2. Yu.E.Lozovik
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect - Present Status and Perspectives
Session 1623, September 15, 1999
1. News
2. L.V.Keldysh
Multiphoton Ionization by Extremely Short Pulse
Session 1622, September 8, 1999
1. News
V.L.Ginzburg, V.B.Braginsky, Yu.S.Barash, A.I.Golovashkin,
Session 1621, June 30, 1999
1. News
2. M.M.Tsypin
Phase Transition and Critical Point
in Electroweak Interaction Theory
3. Yu.N.Efremov
Induced Star Formation and Gamma Ray Bursts
Session 1620, June 23, 1999
1. News
2. I.I.Roizen
Adron and Quark-Gluon State of Matter
(according to "Quark Matter-99")
3. Yu.N.Gnedin
Axion Astronomy: Search for Nonbaryon Dark Matter
Session 1619, June 16, 1999
1. News
2. Karsten Cheide
Microscopic Equations of Magnetodynamics
in Ferromagnets
Session 1618, June 10, 1999
1. News
2. V.N.Tsytovich
Dust Plasma Problems (Review)
Session 1617, May 26, 1999
1. News
2. S.I.Blinnikov
Dark Matter and Invisible Stars as
Sources of Gamma Ray Bursts
3. B.S.Dumesh
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations of
Quantum Spin Fluctuations in Quasi-One-Dimensional
Session 1616, May 19, 1999
1. News
2. A.I.Lipkin
Grounds and "Paradoxes" of Quantum Mechanics
3. A.V.Klyuchnik, Yu.E.Lozovik
Local Plasma Modes and Close Fields Near the Needle of
Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
Session 1615, May 12, 1999
1. News
2. B.A.Volkov
Centers with Negative Correlation Energy in
Semiconductors and Superconductors
3. V.I.Ritus
Symmetry and Anologies in Radiation of Accelerated
Mirrors and Charges in (1+1) and (3+1) Spaces
Session 1614, April 28, 1999
1. News
2. S.K.Nechaev
On Statistics of Braids, Directed Lattice Animals and
3. B.V.Alekseev
Generalized Boltzman Physical Kinetics
Session 1613, April 21, 1999
1. News
2. S.T.Zakhidov
Genetic Theory of Aging (From Szillard to Present)
3. N.S.Kardashov
Sinhrotron Radiation and Generation of Cosmic Rays
by Pulsars and Quasars
Session 1612, April 14, 1999
1. News
2. T.I.Kuznetsova
Light Beams of Subwavelength Diameter in Waveguides
3. V.A.Rubakov
Baryon Asymmetry Formation in the Universe:
Present Status
Session 1611, March 31, 1999
1. News
2. Yu.Yu.Stoilov
Liquid Oscillations in Evaporating
(Ispalator Paradoxes)
3. Yu.S.Barash
Josephson Effect and
Coherent Bound States of Quasiparticles
Session 1610, March 24, 1999
1. News
2. A.A.Belyanin, Vit.V.Kocharovsky, Vlad.V.Kocharovsky
Femtosecund Pulses of Superradiation in Semiconductor Lasers
3. V.V.Losyakov
Transient Radiation of Vortex at Semiconductor Separation Boundary
Session 1609, March 17, 1999
1. News
2. Ya.N.Istomin
Electron-Positron Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei
3. E.G.Maksimov, O.V.Ivanov
The Nature of Segnetoelectric Instability in Perovskite Crystalls
Session 1608, March 10, 1999
1. News
2. N.I.Petrov
On Light Focusing into Submicron Region
3. M.B.Mensky
Measurement Induced Quantum Uncertainties and
"Which-Way" Experiment
Session 1607, March 3, 1999
1. News
2. G.S.Bisnovaty-Kogan
Magnetic Fields of Neutron Stars
3. S.V.Schepetov
Confinement of Plasma in Stellarators
Session 1606, February 24, 1999
1. News
2. P.I.Arseev
Quantum Physics at Mesoscopic Scales
3. E.G.Maksimov
Electron-Phonon Interaction in HTSC-Systems
Session 1605, February 17, 1999
1. News
2. A.G.Molchanov
New Laser Method of Transparent Materials
3. S.T.Belyaev
Ultracold Neutrons Interaction with Matter
Session 1604, February 10, 1999
1. News
2. Yu.M.Kagan
Quasicondensation in Two-Dimensioonal
Interacting Bose-Gas
Session 1603, February 3, 1999
1. News
2. A.V.Gurevich, K.F.Sergeichev, I.A.Sichev, K.P.Zybin
Runaway Breakdown in Thunderstorm Conditions
and Its Laboratory Investigation
3. A.V.Gurevich, K.P.Zybin
Lightning Initiation by Simultaneous Action
of Runaway Breakdown and Cosmic Ray Shower
Session 1602, January 27, 1999
1. News
2. S.M.Apenko
Critical Temperature of Superfluid Transition in
Dense Bose-Liquid
3. A.D.Sukhanov
Universal Approach to Uncertainty Relations
Session 1601, January 20, 1999
1. News
2. E.V.Derishev, Vlad.V.Kocharovsky, Vit.V.Kocharovsky
The Origin of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
3. E.V.Derishev, Vlad.V.Kocharovsky, Vit.V.Kocharovsky
Neutron Component in Relativistic Wind
Session 1600, January 13, 1999
1. News
2. E.L.Feinberg
Evolution of Views on Scientific Knowledge Nature
of Physicists and Mathematicians in XX Century