ru Russian Academy of Sciencies Lebedev Physical Institute
Tamm Theory Department
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Quantum Field Theory Seminar

June 7, 2024
S.I. Godunov

RParticle production via \gamma\gamma and \gama Z fusion in exclusive and semiexclusive processes at the LHC

May 31, 2024
D.A. Trunin

Refined quantum chaos and replica OTOCs
May 17, 2024
A.E. Shabad

Axiomatic quantum electrodynamics: from causality to convexity of effective action
April 26, 2024
Yu. Tatarenko,
M. Vasiliev
Bilinear Fronsdal currents in the AdS_4 higher-spin theory
April 19, 2024
1. V.M. Shabaev

Quantum electrodynamics at strong and supercritical Coulomb fields
2. S.I.Godunov
Particle production via \gamma\gamma and \gamma Z fusion in exclusive and semiexclusive processes at the LHC
April 12, 2024
L. Bordag

On the entanglement in two qubit system and the torus action on the Grassmanian Gr(2,4)
April 5, 2024
A. Alexandrov

Information geometry and synchronization phase transition in Kuramoto model
March 29, 2024
B. Voronov

Notes on flat Friedmann model
March 15, 2024
V. Didenko

On Poincare invariant vacuum in higher spin theory
March 1, 2024
Yu. Makeenko

Two dimensional CFT with higher derivatives and it applications to strings
February 16, 2024
A. Belavin

Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string compactification
February 9, 2024
K. Gubarev

Symmetries of the 11d supergravity solution space
January 26, 2024
P. Petrov

K-inflation: the legitimacy of classical treatment
January 19, 2024
A. Artemev

(2,2p+1) minimal string, moduli space volumes and classical Liouville theory
December 15, 2023
V. Khiteev
, K. Alkalaev, A. Kanoda
Wilson networks in AdS space and global conformal blocks




1997-2024, Tamm Theory Department