Research Interests


Mechanisms of spatio-temporal self-organization in chemical systems

Self-organization phenomena, i.e. transition of the system to a different, as a rule, more ordered state, are observed in systems of a different nature: physical chemical, biological. An essential property of such systems is that they are open and far from the state of thermodynamic equilibrium. This is precisely the prerequisite for the appearance in them of various nontrivial space-time regimes. The system can self-organize itself in time: for example, it changes from stationary to oscillatory mode, and in space: in particular, it can go from spatially homogeneous to an inhomogeneous steady state, or in it various autowave regimes can arise. Often, the emergence of dynamic chaos is also attributed to self-organization phenomena.

Essentially, all the activities of our laboratory lie in the mainstream of studies of self-organization in various systems. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the direction connected with the study of spatio-temporal self-organization in chemical systems. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, there are a number of chemical reactions to date that demonstrate complex spatio-temporal behavior in experiments (a clear example is the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction), and on the other, because of their relative simplicity (compared to biological systems) they allow a correct study of the corresponding mechanisms of self-organization with the help of mathematical models.

Specific tasks that are solved within the framework of this direction is the study of the mechanisms of origin complex space-time regimes observed in experiments with the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, which takes place, in particular, in the water-oil microemulsion, as well as the mechanisms of the appearance of structures on the moving front of the reaction, for example, on the front of the combustion wave.


Dynamics of ensembles of coupled oscillators



Modeling tumor growth



Investigation of the dynamics and structure of combustion waves

For more than ten years we have been actively studying nonlinear wave processes associated with combustion. Our research is aimed at analyzing the stability, structure, and dynamics of laminar flames in mixtures and diffusion flames. In addition, we have extensive experience in studying nonlinear wave phenomena in active media and reaction-diffusion systems. Based on the results of our work, more than 50 articles have been published.

We first used the Evans function method to analyze the diffusion-thermal stability of premixed and diffusion flames. In particular, we first investigated the stability of combustion waves in the Zel'dovich-Linian and Zeldovich-Barenblatt models with a two-stage chain reaction mechanism, which are the basic fundamental representation of hydrocarbon flames with a chain reaction mechanism. In the parameter space, the critical values ​​of the parameters for the loss of stability were found, the types of bifurcations that led to the appearance of complex dynamic modes of propagation of combustion waves were established, and the properties of these regimes were investigated. The analysis of flame extinguishing scenarios is carried out. It has been established that there are three scenarios for suppression of combustion waves: the standard folding-related folding bifurcation; The case when the flame velocity decreases continuously to zero at finite values ​​of the parameters; dynamic scenario. The latter is associated with the creation of a chaotic flame propagation regime and the crisis of a strange attractor in the scenario of transition chaos.

Later, we applied, the knowledge gained for the analysis of the stability of rich hydrogen-air flames within the models with reduced and detailed kinetics. New results were obtained in the field of studying the critical phenomena of loss of stability and quenching of deflagration waves in mixtures with a chain kinetic mechanism of the reaction, and a new method for verifying the kinetic mechanisms of combustion reactions in such systems was proposed.

The main areas of current research include:
-Investigation of the dynamics and structure of combustion waves and diffusion flames
-Development of new methods of reduction and verification of kinetic mechanisms
-Investigation of processes of inhibition and interaction of a flame with walls
-Examination of the propagation of combustion waves in composite solid energy materials
-Investigations of the fundamentals of energy-efficient hydrocarbon fuel combustion technologies for practical applications
-Investigation of combustion processes in microgravity and simulation of experiments
-Development of low-dimensional kinetic schemes of combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, study of inhibition processes and dynamics of flames in the framework of these models

Partial synchronization states, based on the superdiffusion-network representation.
A chimera state corresponding to the above figure.
Dynamics of the development of chimera ring structures in a two-dimensional system.

Partial synchronization states in neural networks

One of the new directions of the laboratory is the study of dynamic modes realized in different network configurations of coupled neurons.

Systems of interacting oscillators of various natures (phase, dynamical, chemical, optical, and biological) are capable of demonstrating a rich variety of possible dynamic manifestations and properties. Active study of the dynamics of point elements, as well as network structures, led to the discovery of a new, largely counterintuitive dynamical phenomenon, which was soon given the name “chimera”. Суть химерных структур заключается в согласованном сосуществовании порядка и хаоса (пространственной когерентности и инкогерентности) в системах идентичных осцилляторов и обуславливается согласованием внутренней динамики точечных подсистем с их формообразующей сетевой структурой. Not surprisingly, chimeric states have taken a special place in the tasks of neuroscience . Now, chimeras are identified with empirically recorded phenomena arising in the cerebral cortex and responsible for information processing, unihemispheric sleep (occurring in some mammalian and avian species), and some pathological conditions.

In our research, a mathematical model based on a system of fractional-differential reaction-superdiffusion equations was proposed, implying the possibility of cluster activation of elements. The proposed model is compared with a locally coupled system organized on the basis of classical reaction-diffusion equations. Moreover, the possibility of building network structures with variable and adaptive form of connections based on the above method was demonstrated. Further development and study of the proposed model led to the discovery of chimeric states as one of its possible dynamic manifestations. As in most nonlinear problems, various combinations of parameters responsible for dynamic properties were analyzed in detail. In particular, regions of synchronization, developed incoherence, and chimeric states were found in the space of exponents of the fractional Laplace operator (which determine the network properties of the proposed system). Finally, the relationship between the parameters responsible for the activation of point subsystems (neurons) and the parameters characterizing the network features of their aggregates (neural networks) was demonstrated in terms of chimera dynamics and the development of complete synchronization and incoherence.

We have analyzed in detail synchronization processes in neural networks, the configuration of which is set based on a superdiffusive type of interaction. Network configurations are demonstrated, the weak variation of which leads to significant (heterogeneous synchronization transition), as well as to insignificant (homogeneous synchronization transition) changing the dynamics of the system.


Volkov E.I. – Chief Researcher
Gubernov V.V. – Leading Researcher
Kolobov A.V. – Senior Researcher
Polezhaev А.А. – Chief Researcher, Head of Laboratory
Fateev I.S. – Researcher
Yakupov E.O. – Researcher

About us

In 1972, in the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Lebedev Physical Institute, the Sector for Theoretical Biophysics Problems was formed on the initiative of D.S.Chernavsky and with the support of the head of the OTF Academician V.L. Ginzburg. Initially, the Sector was engaged in the research of biological systems, in particular, the problem of the appearance of biological rhythms, the study of possible mechanisms of biological self-organization, the mechanism of charge transfer in biological macromolecules, and the mechanism of the functioning of enzymes. In the future, the range of tasks to be solved has expanded considerably and has gone beyond purely biological ones. A number of important results have been obtained, both of a general nature, concerning the fundamental mechanisms of spatio-temporal self-organization in open nonequilibrium systems and relating to specific systems of a different nature: physical, chemical, biological.

In 2015, the Sector was transformed into a Laboratory nonlinear dynamics and theoretical biophysics. The main area of ​​work is the study of the mechanisms of formation of space-time structures in nonlinear dissipative dynamical systems. Within the framework of this direction, fundamental problems of self-organization are being solved, and mathematical models that describe specific systems are being developed. In particular, recently, the objects of the theoretical study of the Laboratory were complex spatio-temporal regimes experimentally observed in chemical reactions, such as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, as well as on the propagating combustion front, the growth and progression of the malignant tumor, taking into account its interaction with surrounding tissues and with blood vessels, complex autooscillatory regimes, including dynamic chaos, in ensembles of coupled oscillators.

Recent publications

  1. Chimera states in a lattice of superdiffusively coupled neurons, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. – 2024. – Т. 181. – С. 114722. DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114722
  2. Synchronization transitions in a system of superdiffusively coupled neurons: Interplay of chimeras, solitary states, and phase waves, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. – 2024. – Т. 34. – №. 9. DOI: 10.1063/5.0226751
  3. Химерные состояния в системах супердиффузионно связанных нейронов, Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Физика.– 2024. – Т. 24, – вып. 4. С. 328-339. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2024-24-4-328-339, EDN: AKRGLX
  4. Evolutionary equations for the disturbed flame stabilised at the flat burner, S Minaev, E Sereshchenko, V Gubernov, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 1-18, 2024
  5. The performance of reaction mechanism in prediction of the characteristics of the diffusive-thermal oscillatory instability of methane–hydrogen–air burner-stabilized flames, A Moroshkina, E Yakupov, V Mislavskii, E Sereshchenko, A Polezhaev, S Minaev, V Gubernov, V Bykov, Acta Astronautica 215, 496-504, 2024
  6. Activation Energy of Hydrogen–Methane Mixtures, A Moroshkina, A Ponomareva, V Mislavskii, E Sereshchenko, V Gubernov, V. Bykov, S. Minaev, Fire 7 (2), 42, 2024
  7. Formation of spiral structures in rich-hydrogen air flames at elevated pressures, EO Yakupov, VV Gubernov, AA Polezhaev, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49, 784-795, 2024
  8. Relaxational oscillations of burner-stabilized premixed methane–air flames, D Volkov, A Moroshkina, V Mislavskii, E Sereshchenko, V Gubernov, V.Bykov, S.Minaev, Combustion and Flame 259, 113141, 2024
  9. Motion of magnetic motors across liquid–liquid interface, B Kichatov, A Korshunov, V Sudakov, V Gubernov, A Golubkov, A Kolobov, A Kiverin, L Chikishev, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 652, 1456-1466, 2023
  10. Thermal Radiation Characteristics of Cylindrical Porous Burner with Axial Supply of Combustible Mixture, AD Moroshkina, AA Ponomareva, VV Mislavskii, EV Sereshchenko, VV Gubernov, SS Minaev, SN Tskhai, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 50 (12), 515-520, 2023
  11. Determining the global activation energy of methane–air premixed flames, AD Moroshkina, AA Ponomareva, VV Mislavskii, EV Sereshchenko, VV Gubernov, VV Bykov, SS Minaev, Combustion Theory and Modelling 27 (7), 909-924, 2023
  12. Chimera states in a chain of superdiffusively coupled neurons, I.S. Fateev, A.A. Polezhaev, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, v.33, 2023
  13. Influence of Heat Loss on the Chaotic Dynamics of Reaction Waves in the Model with Chain-Branching Reaction, M Kuznetsov, A Kolobov, V Gubernov, A Polezhaev, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 33 (12), 2350137, 2023
  14. Dynamics of a chain of interacting neurons with nonlocal coupling, given by Laplace operator of fractional and variable orders with nonlinear Hindmarsh–Rose model functions, I.S. Fateev, A.A. Polezhaev, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, v.50, p.243, 2023.
  15. Structure of Low Stretched Non-Premixed Counterflow Flames Stabilized in Planar Channel: Mass Spectrometric Study and Numerical Simulation, DA Knyazkov, TA Bolshova, RV Fursenko, ES Odintsov, AG Shmakov, VV Gubernov, SS Minaev, Combustion Science and Technology, 1-18, 2023
  16. Instability of Diverging Cylindrical Flame in Rotating Gas, SS Minaev, SN Mokrin, VV Gubernov, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 50 (3), 91-96, 2023
  17. Experimental Study of Stretched Premixed Flame Stabilized in a Flat Channel near a Heated Wall, S Mokrin, V Gubernov, S Minaev, Metals 13 (2), 391, 2023
  18. Burner stabilized flames: Towards reliable experiments and modelling of transient combustion, A Moroshkina, V Mislavskii, B Kichatov, V Gubernov, V Bykov, U Maas, Fuel 332, 125754, 2023
  19. Pattern formation and collective effects during the process of the motion of magnetic nanomotors in narrow channels, B Kichatov, A Korshunov, V Sudakov, V Gubernov, A Golubkov, A Kiverin, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (16), 11780-11788, 2023

Contact us


I.E. Tamm Theory Department, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, main building, rooms 110-112
Leninskii prospect, 53, 119991 Moscow Russia.
+7(499) 132-69-77, +7(499) 132-69-78
+7(499) 132-67-43