SMILE  v2.5
Schwarzschild Modelling Interactive expLoratory Environment
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smile::CConfigCore Struct Reference

Common configuration parameters for various tasks in CSmileCore. More...

#include <core.h>

Public Attributes

orbit integration parameters
double intTimeInPeriods
 orbit integration time measured in units of long-axis-orbit periods
double intTimeMaxAdaptive
 upper limits for adaptive integration time, expressed in energy-dependent orbital time periods
double adaptiveTimeThreshold
 (unused) parameter in Pfenniger's method for adaptive integration time
double intTimeMinAbs
 minimum integration time for orbits in Schwarzschild model, expressed in absolute time units (not periods)
bool usePS
 whether to plot points on Poincare section
unsigned int PSsectionCoord
 coordinate used for strobbing the section (i.e. put a point when passing y=0 with y'>0)
unsigned int PSdisplayCoord
 coordinate used for displaying the section (i.e. More...
frequency map parameters
int fm_numOrbitsStationary
 number of orbits in stationary start-space
int fm_numOrbitsPrincipalPlane
 number of orbits in principal-plane start-space
int fm_numOrbitsYalpha
 number of orbits in Y-alpha start space
int fm_numOrbitsRandom
 number of orbits in random(ergodic) start-space
Schwarzschild modelling parameters
std::vector< unsigned int > densityComponents
 list of composite potential components to be included in the density model
int sm_numOrbits
 number of orbits with random initial conditions in the Schwarzschild model
CBasicICGenerator::ICTYPE sm_ICgenType
 choice of generator for initial conditions
double sm_ICbeta
 anisotropy parameter for initial conditions generation using spherical Jeans equation
double sm_ICbetaAxi
 anisotropy parameter for initial conditions generation using axisymmetric Jeans equation
double sm_ICkAxi
 rotation parameter for initial conditions generation using axisymmetric Jeans equation
double weightSkewFactorE
 if greate than zero, bias the assignment of initial conditions towards lower energies
double weightSkewFactorL
 if >0, bias sampling of initial conditions towards lower angular momentum
CBasicSchwData::SCHWDATATYPE sm_densDataType
 variant of Schwarzschild density model
int sm_numShells
 grid size: number of radial shells
int sm_linesPerSegment
 grid size: number of lines dividing each of 3 segments of each shell into cells
int sm_numAngularCoefs
 order of angular spherical-harmonic expansion
int sm_numRadialCoefs
 number of radial coefs in BSE / SHGrid Schwarzschild model
int sm_numVerticalCoefs
 vertical size of the grid in Cylindrical model
double sm_Alpha
 Alpha-parameter defining family of basis functions in BSE model.
double sm_innerShellMass
 fraction of mass in the innermost shell, 0 for default value of 1/(numShells+1)
double sm_outerShellMass
 fraction of mass enclosed by the outermost shell, 0 for default value of 1-1/(numShells+1)
double sm_grid_q
 axis ratio (y/x) for ellipsoidal flattening of Classic Schwarzschild grid
double sm_grid_p
 axis ratio (z/x) for Schwarzschild grid
double chaoticMinFreqDiff
 minimal value of frequency diffusion rate to consider orbit as chaotic
double chaoticMinLambda
 minimal value of Lyapunov indicator to consider orbit as chaotic (in OR relation with previous criterion)
double sm_chaoticPenalty
 weight factor for chaotic (super)orbit in objective function: +1 - disfavor them, -1 - favor, 0 - treat equally as regular
int sm_numSamplingPoints
 number of points sampled from trajectory, default NUM_SAMPLING_POINTS
bool sm_useBPMPD
 whether to use BPMPD solver (if the executable is present), otherwise use GLPK
double sm_maxWeight
 upper bound on orbit weight
double sm_regularization
 parameter controlling the regularization of orbit weights in the quadratic optimization
double sm_constraintPenaltyLin
 penalty for constraint violation in the objective function in linear/quadratic optimization; 0 means infinity - must satisfy exactly
double sm_constraintPenaltyQuad
 quadratic penalty term for constraint violation
bool sm_constrainBeta
 whether to constrain anisotropy
double sm_betaIn
double sm_betaOut
 anisotropy coefficient requested (values for the inner and outer shells, linearly interpolated in between)
bool sm_constrainAngMomDist
 whether to constrain binned relative angular momentum distribution
int sm_numAngMomBins
 number of bins in angular momentum distribution

Detailed Description

Common configuration parameters for various tasks in CSmileCore.

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int smile::CConfigCore::PSdisplayCoord

coordinate used for displaying the section (i.e.

record x and x' at each passage)

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