SMILE  v2.5
Schwarzschild Modelling Interactive expLoratory Environment
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
smile Namespace Reference

common namespace for all core SMILE classes, functions and variables More...


class  CAngMomOrbitFilteringFnc
 Orbit filtering function that evaluates the z-component of angular momentum of an orbit. More...
class  CBasicICGenerator
 Base class for creating initial conditions for orbit library. More...
class  CBasicInformation
 parent class for data container objects used to store various data and exchange it between objects. More...
class  CBasicIOSnapshot
 The abstract class implementing reading and writing snapshots; derived classes take the filename as the argument of the constructor. More...
class  CBasicOdeIntegrator
 basic class for numerical integrators of ODE system More...
class  CBasicOrbitFilteringFnc
 Parent class for orbit filtering functions which evaluate whether an orbit should be used (in some calculation). More...
class  CBasicOrbitRuntimeFnc
 defines a routine which may be called after each integration timestep to perform user-specific data collection. More...
class  CBasicOrbitRuntimeFncCreator
 defines a basic class that creates some sort of runtime function for any orbit in the orbit library. More...
class  CBasicQuadraticOptimizationSolver
 The interface class for various third-party quadratic optimization solvers. More...
class  CBasicSchwData
 Base class for Schwarzschild Data objects. More...
class  CBasicSchwModel
 Base class for Schwarzschild Modelling driver objects. More...
class  CBasicShellSchwData
 Base class for storing kinematic information on a radial grid. More...
class  CBasicSpectrumAnalyzer
 Basic class for various methods of spectral analysis. More...
class  CBinnedMassRefinementFnc
 A mass refinement function is used to create an Nbody snapshot with unequal mass particles. More...
class  CCentrophilicOrbitFilteringFnc
 Orbit filtering function that selects centrophilic orbits. More...
class  CChaosOrbitFilteringFnc
 Orbit filtering function that evaluates chaotic properties of an orbit, based on threshold in frequency diffusion rate and in Lyapunov exponent value, multiplied by some predefined factor. More...
struct  CConfigCore
 Common configuration parameters for various tasks in CSmileCore. More...
class  CConfigFile
 Utility class for handling an INI file. More...
struct  CConfigOrbit
 general parameters for orbit integration and classification More...
struct  CConfigPotential
 structure that contains parameters for all possible potentials More...
class  CDensity
 Base class defining density model (without corresponding potential). More...
class  CDensityEllipsoidal
 Ellipsoidal model. More...
class  CDensityExpDisk
 Exponential disk with several variants of vertical profile and spiral structure. More...
class  CDensityIsochrone
 Isochrone density profile, triaxial. More...
class  CDensityMGE
 Multi-Gaussian expansion of a triaxial density profile. More...
class  CDensityNFW
 modified Navarro-Frenk-White density profile, triaxial. More...
class  CDensityPerfectEllipsoid
 Triaxial Perfect Ellipsoid density profile. More...
class  CDensityPlummer
 Plummer density profile, triaxial. More...
class  CDensitySersic
 Sersic profile, triaxial. More...
class  CEnergyOrbitFilteringFnc
 an example of evaluation function for multimass Nbody models, which sorts orbits in total energy More...
class  CFileInputText
 Class for reading data from a text file, possibly accompanied by binary files for the orbit library. More...
class  CFileOutputText
 Class for writing data to a text file, possibly accompanied by binary files for the orbit library. More...
class  CICGeneratorDensityEllipsoidal
 sample point coordinates using ellipsoidal equidensity surface approximation; this method is generally inferior to CICGeneratorDensitySampler More...
class  CICGeneratorDensitySampler
 sample points coordinates proportionally to local density, no velocities assigned More...
class  CICGeneratorDensitySpherical
 sample points from a spherical mass model More...
class  CICGeneratorPrincipalPlane
 Initial conditions from principal-plane start space. More...
class  CICGeneratorRandomE
 Initial conditions from random start space at given energy. More...
class  CICGeneratorSchw
 class that combines two samplers – for positions and velocities More...
class  CICGeneratorStationary
 Initial conditions from stationary start space. More...
class  CICGeneratorVelocityEddington
 sample velocities from the Eddington distribution function for equivalent spherical system More...
class  CICGeneratorVelocityJeansAxi
 sample velocities from Jeans equation for an axisymmetric system More...
class  CICGeneratorVelocityJeansSph
 sample velocities from the spherical Jeans equation More...
class  CICGeneratorYalpha
 Initial conditions from Y-alpha start space. More...
class  CIOSnapshotGadget
 GADGET snapshot format; needs UNSIO library. More...
class  CIOSnapshotNemo
 NEMO snapshot format. More...
class  CIOSnapshotText
 Text file with three coordinates, possibly three velocities and mass, space or tab-separated. More...
class  CMassModel
 class defining a spherical mass model. More...
class  CMassModelAxisymmetric
 Class for representing an axisymmetric density model. More...
class  CMassModelAxisymmetricJeans
 An extension of axisymmetric model which uses anisotropic Jeans equations to compute velocity dispersions in cylindrical coordinates. More...
struct  CMatrix
 interface for matrix storage. More...
class  CMatrixBasicSchwModel
 matrix interface class that passes the linear matrix elements from Schwarzschild model object to the solver More...
struct  CMatrixDense
 matrix interface class that actually holds the entire matrix and returns its elements More...
struct  CMatrixDiagonal
 matrix interface class that provides a diagonal matrix More...
class  CNbodyExportStatWorker
 Worker object that calculates statistics after Nbody export (currently, computes virial ratio). More...
class  CNemoSnapshotWriter
 helper class that writes NEMO-compatible snapshot file More...
class  COdeIntegratorDOP853
 8th order Runge-Kutta integrator from Hairer,Norsett&Wanner. More...
class  COdeIntegratorHermite
 Hermite integrator that uses information about force derivatives (jerk) in a 4th-order predictor-corrector scheme with only two force evaluations per timestep. More...
class  COdeIntegratorIAS15
 15-th order implicit Runge-Kutta scheme from Rein & Spiegel, 2014, MNRAS (adapted from Rebound). More...
class  COdeIntegratorLeapfrog
 low-order leapfrog method provided for treecode, which has discontinuous potential/forces and is poorly handled by Runge-Kutta integrator. More...
class  COdeIntegratorOdeint
 A template class for integrators based on the boost::numeric::odeint library. More...
class  COdeSystem
 basic class of ODE system used in the orbit integrator. More...
class  COptimizationSolverBPMPD
 Interface to the standalone program BPMPD. More...
class  COptimizationSolverCVXOPT
 Interface to the LP/QP solver CVXOPT written in Python. More...
class  COptimizationSolverGLPK
 Interface to the linear optimization solver GLPK. More...
class  COrbit
 Class for performing a single orbit integration. More...
class  COrbitDesc
 Container for orbit initial conditions and information objects. More...
class  COrbitInformation
 information object containing orbit analysis results. More...
class  COrbitIntWorker
 Worker object that runs single orbit integration in a separate thread. More...
class  COrbitLauncher
 An utility class that keeps all necessary data to start orbit integration. More...
class  COrbitLibrary
 The collection of orbits. More...
class  COrbitLibWorker
 Worker object that runs orbit library integration (for use in multiple parallel threads). More...
class  COrbitRuntimePericenter
 class for recording pericenter passages and analyzing their distribution to figure out if the orbit is centrophilic or not More...
class  COrbitRuntimePericenterCreator
 corresponding creator class for the pericenter analysis runtime function More...
class  COrbitRuntimePoincare
 compute the Poincare surface of section for an orbit. More...
class  COrbitRuntimePoincareCreator
 corresponding creator class for Poincare timestep fnc More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwAngMomDist
 Runtime function recording binned angular momentum distribution. More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwAngMomDistCreator
 corresponding creator class for angular momentum Schw runtime function More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwDensGrid
 Runtime function corresponding to classic 3d-grid Schwarzschild density data object. More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwDensGridCreator
 corresponding creator class for classic Schw runtime function More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwDensSH
 Runtime function corresponding to Schwatzschild density data object based on spherical-harmonic expansion of potential coefficients at radial grid points or for some radial basis functions (serves both variants) More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwDensSHCreator
 corresponding creator class for SH Schw runtime function More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwKinemShell
 Runtime function recording shell-based kinematic data (time spent in each shell and radial/tangential velocity dispersion in a shell). More...
class  COrbitRuntimeSchwKinemShellCreator
 corresponding creator class for shell-kinematic Schw runtime function More...
class  COrbitRuntimeTrajectory
 Class for recording orbit trajectory and doing various analysis (frequency, Lyapunov exponent, etc). More...
class  COrbitRuntimeTrajectoryCreator
 corresponding creator class for Trajectory analysis timestep fnc More...
class  COrbitRuntimeTrajSample
 Trajectory sampler (record a given number of unsorted points from the trajectory, to be used in creating an Nbody model from the Schwarzschild model). More...
class  COrbitRuntimeTrajSampleCreator
 corresponding creator class for trajectory sampler. More...
class  COrbitRuntimeVelPerturber
 class for applying random perturbations on velocity during orbit integration, mimicking the effect of two-body relaxation. More...
class  COrbitRuntimeVelPerturberCreator
 corresponding creator class for the velocity perturber runtime function More...
class  COutputHookQProcess
 Helper class to capture diagnostic and progress messages from running BPMPD process, and redirect them to the main SMILE program via my_message() More...
class  CPericenterInformation
 information object for pericenter data (distribution of angular momentum at pericenter passages) More...
class  CPoincareInformation
 information object to store points from the Poincare surface of section More...
struct  CPointMassSet
 An array of particles with positions, velocities and masses. More...
class  CPointMassSetHandler
 A helper object for computing the virial ratio for a set of point masses. More...
struct  CPosPoint
 Data-only class containing 3 coordinates. More...
struct  CPosVelPoint
 Data-only class containing 3 coordinates and 3 velocities. More...
class  CPotential
 base class for potential-density model including potential derivatives (=forces) More...
class  CPotentialAxisymmetrized
 A helper class for representing axisymmetrized versions of the given potential and/or density model. More...
class  CPotentialBSE
 basis-set expansion on the Zhao(1996) basis set (alpha models) More...
class  CPotentialBSECompact
 basis-set expansion using spherical Bessel functions (e.g.Allen et al.1990) More...
class  CPotentialComposite
 A composite potential which consists of several other potential types, plus a possible black hole and a rotating reference frame. More...
class  CPotentialCylSpline
 angular expansion of potential in azimuthal angle with coefficients being 2d spline functions of R,z More...
class  CPotentialDehnen
 Dehnen(1993) double power-law model. More...
class  CPotentialDirect
 Direct computation of potential for any density profile, using double integration over space. More...
class  CPotentialFerrers
 Ferrers density profile (with finite size R and density (1-(r/R)^2)^2). More...
class  CPotentialHarmonic
 Potential of a constant-density (harmonic) core with different frequencies of oscillations in three directions. More...
class  CPotentialLog
 Logarithmic potential, with possible core. More...
class  CPotentialMiyamotoNagai
 Miyamoto-Nagai axisymmetric potential; equivalent to Plummer if A=0. More...
class  CPotentialNB
 frozen N-body potential calculated by tree-code algorithm (based on hackcode1.c) More...
class  CPotentialScaleFree
 simple power-law potential/density pair: rho ~ r^-gamma More...
class  CPotentialScaleFreeSH
 angular expansion of scale-free potential in spherical harmonics More...
class  CPotentialSH
 parent class for all potential expansions based on spherical harmonics for angular variables More...
class  CPotentialSpherical
 Spherically-symmetric arbitrary density profile potential provided by CMassModel. More...
class  CPotentialSpline
 spherical-harmonic expansion of potential with coefficients being spline functions of radius More...
class  CRadiusMassRefinementFnc
 Another mass refinement function that aims to reduce the average mass of particles inside a given radius. More...
class  CSchwarzschildWorker
 Worker object that runs Schwarzschild model optimization solver. More...
class  CSchwDataAngMomDist
 Schwarzschild data object to manage kinematic data in the form of binned angular momentum distribution as a function of energy. More...
class  CSchwDataBasicDens
 Base class for density data objects. More...
class  CSchwDataDensGrid
 Base class for Schwarzschild data objects with grid-based density model. More...
class  CSchwDataDensGridClassic
 Schwarzschild data object for the classic grid-based density model. More...
class  CSchwDataDensGridCylindrical
 Schwarzschild data object for the grid-based density model in cylindrical geometry. More...
class  CSchwDataDensSH
 Base class for variants of Schwarzschild density data objects based on spherical-harmonic expansion of density of both target model and orbits. More...
class  CSchwDataDensSHBSE
 Variant of Schwarzschild density data object based on basis-set expansion in terms of Zhao(1995) basis set for density of both required profile and of orbits. More...
class  CSchwDataDensSHMesh
 Variant of Schwarzschild density data object based on spherical-harmonic expansion of potential coefficients at radial mesh points. More...
class  CSchwDataKinemShell
 Schwarzschild data object to handle (rudimentary) kinematic data, in the form of radial and tangential velocity dispersions in a number of radial shells. More...
class  CSchwInformation
 Information object that keeps density data for all variants of Schwarzschild data objects. More...
class  CSchwModelQuadOpt
 The class for performing Schwarzschild modelling of density and kinematic data from the theoretical point of view (without "observational errors"). More...
class  CShellOrbitFilteringFnc
 Orbit filtering function based on whether an orbit belongs to a given energy shell. More...
class  CSmileConsole
 The console version of application is implemented in this class. More...
class  CSmileCore
 Class that provides all core computational functionality. More...
class  CSmileGUI
 The main GUI window class. More...
struct  CSpectralLine
 Definition of one spectral line in one-dimensional time series (nothing to do with spectroscopy!:) More...
class  CSpectrumAnalyzerHunter
 Spectrum analysis based on Hunter's DFT method. More...
class  CSplineApprox
 Penalized linear least-square fitting problem. More...
class  CTrajSampleInformation
 information object keeping a trajectory sample (to generate an N-body model from a Schwarzschild model) More...
struct  CTriangle
 defines a triangle with indexed vertices referring to points from the trajectory More...
class  CTriangThread
 Helper thread that performs Delaunay triangulation with the help of external program 'qdelaunay'. More...
class  CVelPerturberInformation
 information object for velocity perturber class (keep track of accumulated energy change due to relaxation) More...
class  QwtPlotPicker2
 helper class for displaying coordinates on a 2d plot picker with scientific numeric format string More...
class  QwtPlotZoomer2
 helper class for displaying coordinates on a 2d plot zoomer with scientific numeric format string More...
class  StringVariant
 The StringVariant class is a simple string-based variant implementation that allows the user to easily convert between simple numeric/string types. More...


typedef std::pair< float,
CPointMassSet< float >
::ElemType > 
< OdeStateType
 Implementation of Bulirsch-Stoer method with dense output.
< boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta
< boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5
< OdeStateType >
, my_error_checker > > 
 Implementation of the Dormand-Prince 5th order Runge-Kutta method with adaptive timestep and dense output.
< boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54
< OdeStateType >
, my_error_checker > 
 Implementation of the Cash-Karp 5th order Runge-Kutta method with adaptive timestep.
< boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_bogacki_shampine32
< OdeStateType >
, my_error_checker > 
 Implementation of the Bogacki-Shampine 3rd order Runge-Kutta method with adaptive timestep.
< OdeStateType
 Implementation of the standard fixed-timestep 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
< OdeStateType
 Implementation of the fixed-timestep 4th order symplectic Runge-Kutta method.
typedef std::vector
< CSpectralLine
 An array of spectral lines in one-dimensional time series.
typedef std::complex< double > complexd
 convenience shorthand for a complex number
typedef std::map
const char * > 
 lists all 'true' potentials, i.e. those providing a complete density-potential(-force) pair
typedef std::map
const char * > 
 lists all analytic density profiles (including those that don't have corresponding potential, but excluding general-purpose expansions)
typedef std::map
const char * > 
 lists available symmetry types
typedef void show_message_type (const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
 a function that shows a given message string. More...
------- define several convenience types -------
typedef float sdNumType
 how to store orbit data for Schwarzschild modelling (float or double)
typedef float smNumType
 how to handle Schwarzschild modelling data internally (float or double)
typedef std::vector< double > vectord
 vector of double values
typedef std::vector< float > vectorf
 vector of float values
typedef std::pair< double, double > paird
 a pair of doubles
typedef std::vector< pairdvectorpd
 vector of pairs of doubles
typedef std::pair< float, float > pairf
 a pair of floats
typedef std::vector< pairfvectorpf
 vector of pairs of floats
typedef vectord OdeStateType
 container for the array of variables used in ODE integration
------- Definition of base (abstract) classes --------
typedef std::vector< const
CBasicSchwData * > 
 array of heterogeneous data objects to be used simultaneously in the modelling


void readConfigPotential (const CConfigFile &configReader, CConfigPotential *ptrConfigPotential, unsigned int potGroup=0)
 Read the configuration data from the INI file which is contained in one [Potential*] section. More...
void writeConfigPotential (CConfigFile &configWriter, const CConfigPotential *ptrConfigPotential, unsigned int potGroup=0)
 Write the configuration data for one potential component into the INI file. More...
void readConfigOrbit (const CConfigFile &configReader, CConfigOrbit *ptrConfigOrbit)
 Read configuration data for orbit integration (a subset of parameters contained in the [Orbit] section of INI file). More...
void writeConfigOrbit (CConfigFile &configWriter, const CConfigOrbit *ptrConfigOrbit)
 Write configuration data for orbit integration to INI file. More...
QString getDirName (const QString &fileName)
 convenience function, return file path ending with "/"
void my_message_gui (const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
 display the message string in the bottom-right text area of the main window
void my_error_gui (const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
 pop up a message box with the error string
CShellOrbitFilteringFnc shellFilter (const vectorSchwData &schwData, const CPotential *potential, int numShell, double *shellEnergy=NULL)
double densSampler (double x[N_DIM], size_t, void *param)
double computeEnergyCutoff (const CPotential *potential, const CPointMassSet< float > &points)
std::vector< std::string > initFormatsIOSnapshot ()
 create a list of all IO snapshot formats available at compile time
CBasicIOSnapshotcreateIOSnapshotRead (const std::string &fileName)
 creates an instance of appropriate snapshot reader, according to the file format determined by reading first few bytes, or NULL if a file doesn't exist
CBasicIOSnapshotcreateIOSnapshotWrite (const std::string &fileFormat, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &header="")
 creates an instance of snapshot writer for a given format name, or NULL if the format name string is incorrect
const CDensitycreateDensity (const CConfigPotential *config)
 create a density model according to the parameters. More...
const CPotentialcreatePotential (CConfigPotential *config)
 create an instance of CPotential according to the parameters passed. More...
template<typename NumT >
const CPotentialcreatePotentialFromPoints (const CConfigPotential *configPotential, const CPointMassSet< NumT > *points)
 create a potential of a generic expansion kind from a set of point masses. More...
template const CPotentialcreatePotentialFromPoints (const CConfigPotential *configPotential, const CPointMassSet< float > *points)
template const CPotentialcreatePotentialFromPoints (const CConfigPotential *configPotential, const CPointMassSet< double > *points)
const CPotentialreadPotential (CConfigPotential *configPotential)
 load a potential from a text or snapshot file. More...
bool writePotential (const std::string &fileName, const CPotential *potential)
 write potential expansion coefficients to a text file. More...
CMassModelcreateMassModel (const CDensity *density, int numNodes=NUM_RADIAL_POINTS_SPHERICAL_MODEL, double Rmin=0, double Rmax=0, const CMassModel *poten=NULL)
 create an equivalent spherical mass model for the given density profile. More...
double int_generic (double x, void *params)
double int_generic_f (double x, void *params)
double int_densproj (double z, void *params)
double int_losvd (double z, void *params)
double find_generic (double x, void *params)
double find_alpha (double a, void *params)
double find_rcirc (double r, void *params)
double find_vrad (double r, void *params)
double find_gamma_out (double y, void *params)
double int_mass (double r, void *params)
double int_generic_dif (double r, void *params)
double int_generic_dif1 (double s, void *params)
double int_Torb (double s, void *params)
double find_diffusion_limit (double scaledE, void *param)
template<typename NumT >
bool sortfnc (const std::pair< NumT, NumT > &elem1, const std::pair< NumT, NumT > &elem2)
double getfitquality (double totalmass, void *params)
template<typename NumT >
bool fitMassModel (const std::vector< NumT > &particlecoord,const std::vector< NumT > &particlevalue,std::vector< double > *gridcoord,std::vector< double > *gridvalue,double smoothing=0,size_t gridsize=0,size_t nskip=0,CMassModel::FITTYPE ftype=CMassModel::FT_MASS,const CMassModel *model=NULL)
 Function that computes the input data for a spherical mass model from a given array of particles. More...
template bool fitMassModel (const std::vector< double > &particlecoord, const std::vector< double > &particlemass, std::vector< double > *gridcoord, std::vector< double > *gridmass, double smoothing, size_t gridsize, size_t nskip, CMassModel::FITTYPE ftype, const CMassModel *model)
template bool fitMassModel (const std::vector< float > &particlecoord, const std::vector< float > &particlemass, std::vector< double > *gridcoord, std::vector< double > *gridmass, double smoothing, size_t gridsize, size_t nskip, CMassModel::FITTYPE ftype, const CMassModel *model)
int glpk_output_hook (void *tmp, const char *data)
 helper routine to capture debug and progress messages from GLPK and redirect them to my_message()
void glpk_error_harmless (void *)
 change the default behaviour on GLPK error to something that doesn't crash program right away
static PyObject * redirection_stdoutredirect (PyObject *, PyObject *args)
 helper routine to record messages from Python interpreter and pass them to my_message()
template<typename NumT >
PyObject * initPyMatrix (const CMatrix< NumT > *srcmatrix)
 helper routine to create CVXOPT-compatible dense or sparse matrix
void tuneNonPrime (size_t *n)
 utility function to ensure that n does not have large prime divisors. More...
bool computeNperiods (const CConfigOrbit *configOrbit, const CPotential *potential, const CPosVelPoint< double > &initCond, int coord_section, int Nperiods, CPosVelPoint< double > *endCond)
 starting from the given initial conditions in a plane x[coord_section]=0, x'[coord_section]!=0, integrate an orbit until it crosses the same plane for N-th time. More...
int gsl_wrapper_computeNperiods (const gsl_vector *initC, void *param, gsl_vector *values, gsl_matrix *jac)
int gsl_wrapper_computeNperiods_f (const gsl_vector *initC, void *param, gsl_vector *values)
int gsl_wrapper_computeNperiods_df (const gsl_vector *initC, void *param, gsl_matrix *jac)
bool findPeriodicOrbit (const CPotential *potential, double Omega, unsigned int coord_section, unsigned int coord_first, bool threeD, unsigned int Nperiods, CPosVelPoint< double > *IC)
 Utility function to find a periodic orbit in the plane coord1:coord2 which is closest to the provided initial conditions. More...
template<typename NumT >
double computeTimeUnit (const CPotential *potential, const CPosVelPoint< NumT > &initCond)
 Utility function to get the period of long-axis orbit in the given potential with the energy E corresponding to initial conditions. More...
template double computeTimeUnit (const CPotential *potential, const CPosVelPoint< float > &initCond)
template double computeTimeUnit (const CPotential *potential, const CPosVelPoint< double > &initCond)
double findLcirc2 (const CPotential *potential, const CPosVelPoint< double > &initCond)
 Utility function to find approximate L^2 of a circular orbit with given energy.
double findLambda (double lambda, void *param)
gsl_spline * init_spline_hypergeom (double m)
double my_hypergeom (double x, const gsl_spline *spl)
double integrandPotentialDirectDensity (double phi, void *param)
double LegendreQ (double m, double x, const gsl_spline *spl)
 Legendre function Q(m,x) expressed through Gauss hypergeometric function.
double IntBessel (double m, double a, double b, double c, const gsl_spline *spl, double eps2=0)
 $^ J_m(a*x)*J_m(b*x)*exp(-|c|*x) dx / (()*(m+1/2)/(m+1))$
double integrandPotentialDirectVar2 (double var, void *params)
double integrandPotentialDirectVar1 (double var, void *params)
double integrandPotAvgPhi (double phi, void *param)
void interp2d_spline_eval_all (const interp2d_spline *interp, const double x, const double y, double *z, double *z_x, double *z_y, double *z_xx, double *z_xy, double *z_yy)
 optimized routine for computing 2d spline value, first and second derivatives at once (to save time)
void initPotentialAndSymmetryNameMap ()
 create a correspondence between names and enum identifiers for potential, density and symmetry types
std::string undecorateFunction (std::string origin)
 remove common prefix if it is the namespace "smile::", and remove function signature from GCC PRETTY_FUNCTION
void my_stderr_show_message (const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
 default routine that dumps text messages to stderr More...
void gsl_verbose_error_handler (const char *reason, const char *file, int line, int gsl_errno)
 error reporting routine which is invoked from inside GSL. More...
std::string pp (double num, unsigned int width)
 Pretty-print: convert floating-point or integer numbers to a string of fixed length.
void splitString (const std::string &src, const std::string &delim, std::vector< std::string > *result)
 routine that splits one line from a text file into several items. More...
bool ends_with_str (const std::string &str, const std::string &end)
 routine that checks if a string ends with another string
bool strings_equal (const std::string &str1, const std::string &str2)
 routine that compares two strings in a case-insensitive way
bool strings_equal (const std::string &str1, const char *str2)
 overloaded routine that compares two strings in a case-insensitive way
void randomize ()
 initialize random number generator using current time
double getRandomNumber ()
 get a random number uniformly distributed in [0..1]
void getNormalRandomNumbers (double *num1, double *num2)
 generates two random numbers with normal distribution (zero mean, dispersion=1)
void getRandomUnitVector (double *x, double *y, double *z)
 generates 2d or 3d random vector with unit length; if z==NULL then create 2d vector, else 3d
double findRoot (gsl_function *F, double xlower, double xupper, double xdefault=0, double reltoler=1e-8)
 wrapper for GSL root solver running multiple iterations until the convergence is achieved. More...
double findMin (gsl_function *F, double xlower, double xupper, double xinit, double reltoler=1e-8)
 wrapper for GSL minimization routine to find local minimum enclosed between xlower < xinit < xupper. More...
double findMinGuess (gsl_function *F, double xlower, double xupper, double reltoler=1e-8)
 wrapper for GSL minimization routine to find local minimum enclosed between xlower < xupper. More...
void createNonuniformGrid (size_t nnodes, double xmin, double xmax, bool zeroelem, std::vector< double > *grid)
 generates a grid with exponentially growing spacing. More...
static void makegrid (std::vector< double >::iterator begin, std::vector< double >::iterator end, double startval, double endval)
 creation of a grid with minimum guaranteed number of input points per bin
void createAlmostUniformGrid (const std::vector< double > &srcpoints, size_t minbin, size_t *gridsize, std::vector< double > *grid)
 creates an almost uniform grid so that each bin contains at least minbin points from input array. More...
double gsl_spline_evalx (const gsl_spline *spline, double x, gsl_interp_accel *a)
 modified functions for spline evaluation that extrapolate last segment linearly beyond the definition region
double gsl_spline_eval_derivx (const gsl_spline *spline, double x, gsl_interp_accel *a)
double gsl_spline_eval_deriv2x (const gsl_spline *spline, double x, gsl_interp_accel *a)
void cspline_eval_all (const gsl_spline *spline, double x, double *val, double *der, double *der2)
 convenience function that evaluates cubic spline value, derivative and 2nd derivative at once (faster than doing it separately)
bool check_spline_monotonic (const gsl_spline *spline)
 check if a cubic spline is everywhere monotonic
gsl_spline * copyspline (const gsl_spline *src)
 create a copy of a spline by allocating new memory to all internal arrays and copying their data
double getVal (const gsl_matrix *deriv, size_t row, size_t col)
 convenience function returning values from band matrix or zero if indexes are outside the band
static void my_error (const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
 the interface routine for error reporting (redirects the call to my_error_ptr if it is defined)
static void my_message (const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)
 the interface routine for message reporting (redirects the call to my_message_ptr if it is defined)
template<typename NumberType , typename ValueType >
NumberType convertTo (ValueType val)
 a shorthand function to convert a string to a number
template<typename ValueType >
bool convertToBool (ValueType val)
 a shorthand function to convert a string to a bool
template<typename ValueType >
std::string convertToString (ValueType val)
 a shorthand function to convert a number to a string
static const char * convertToString (bool val)
 a shorthand to convert a bool to a string
template<typename ValueType >
std::string convertToString (ValueType val, unsigned int width)
 a shorthand function to convert a number to a string with a given precision
--- non-class utility routines ---
const char * getICgenNameByType (CBasicICGenerator::ICTYPE ICType)
 return the name for a given IC generator data type
CBasicICGenerator::ICTYPE getICgenTypeByName (const std::string &ICName)
 return IC generator data type associated with the text name
const char * getIntegratorNameByType (CBasicOdeIntegrator::STEPPERKIND integratorType)
CBasicOdeIntegrator::STEPPERKIND getIntegratorTypeByName (const std::string &integratorName)
 return integrator type associated with the text name
Various convenience functions for potential
double longAxisRadius (const CPotential *potential, double E, double Omega=0)
 Convenience function to find the maximal elongation of long-axis orbit of given energy. More...
double findIntersection (const CPotential *potential, double E, double X, double Y, double Z, double Omega=0)
 Find the location of the equipotential surface in a given direction: solve for k such that Phi(k*X, k*Y, k*Z) = E . More...
void findLagrangianPoints (const CPotential *potential, double Omega, double *L1X, double *L4Y)
 Find the location of maximum of the effective potential in rotating frame; output the distance to such point along x axis in L1X and along y axis in L4Y (Lagrangian points)
template<typename NumT >
double totalEnergy (const CPotential *potential, const CPosVelPoint< NumT > &point, double Omega=0, double t=0)
 Convenience function to return the total energy (or Jacobi integral if Omega!=0) for a given position+velocity point. More...
------- Miscellaneous functions --------
const char * getSchwDataNameByType (CBasicSchwData::SCHWDATATYPE dataType)
 Correspondence between Schw.model names and types. More...
CBasicSchwData::SCHWDATATYPE getSchwDataTypeByName (const std::string &DataName)
 return Schwarzschild data type associated with the text name (Classic by default)
CBasicOrbitRuntimeFncCreatorcreateSchwCreator (const CBasicSchwData *schwData)
 convenience function to return an orbit runtime function creator associated with a given Schwarzschild data class
void createRadialGrid (const CDensity *density, size_t numShells, double totalMass, double innerShellMass, double outerShellMass, vectord *grid)
 convenience function that creates a "non-uniform grid" in mass and returns array of corresponding radii.


const CConfigCore defaultConfigCore
 default configuration parameters
volatile int nthreads =0
QMutex mutexL
QMutex mutexC
 The global variable for the instance of GUI object is used to redirect text messages to it.
std::vector< std::string > formatsIOSnapshot = initFormatsIOSnapshot()
 list of all available IO snapshot formats, initialized at module start according to the file format supported at compile time
const size_t splJ_sizex =31
const size_t splJ_sizey =100
const double splJ_facty =5.0
static jmp_buf err_buf
static bool memoryError =false
 flag set if Python reports about an out-of-memory error
static PyMethodDef RedirectionMethods []
const CConfigOrbit defaultConfigOrbit
 default parameters for orbit integration and classification More...
PotentialNameMapType PotentialNames
DensityNameMapType DensityNames
SymmetryNameMapType SymmetryNames
bool mapinitialized = false
show_message_typemy_error_ptr = &my_stderr_show_message
 global variable to the routine that displays errors (if it is NULL then nothing is done)
show_message_typemy_message_ptr = &my_stderr_show_message
 global variable to the routine that shows information messages (emitted by various time-consuming routines to display progress), if NULL then no messaging is done More...
gsl_rng * randgen =gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default)
 an instance of global random number generator
const gsl_interp_type * gsl_interp_ccspline
 a variant of cubic spline with given values of first derivative at endpoints. More...
----------- Parameters for potential and force evaluation -------------
const unsigned int N_DIM =3
 Dimensions of the real world. DO NOT CHANGE (unless you are God)!
const size_t MAX_NCOEFS_RADIAL =101
 max number of basis-function expansion members (radial and angular).
const size_t MAX_NCOEFS_ANGULAR =51
const double EPSREL_DENSITY_INT =1e-4
 relative accuracy of density computation
const double EPSREL_POTENTIAL_INT =1e-6
 relative accuracy of potential computation (integration tolerance parameter)
const double EPSABS_POTENTIAL_INT =1e-15
 absolute error in potential computation (supercedes the relative error in case of very small coefficients)
const double EPSREL_MASS_INT =1e-2
 relative accuracy of cell mass computation in Schwarzschild modelling
const double MIN_RADIUS_CUTOFF =1e-6
 inner and outer cutoff radii appearing in calculations of M(r), r(E) and related
const double MAX_RADIUS_CUTOFF =1e+6
const double SPLINE_MIN_RADIUS =1e-10
 auxiliary softening parameter for Spline potential to avoid singularities in some odd cases
------------- Orbit integration parameters ----------
const size_t NUMSTEP_MAX =static_cast<size_t>(1e7)
 maximal number of integration steps (in case something went wrong with the timestep, do not dead-lock)
 for Nbody treecode, another safety measure is to decrease timestep near BH by this factor (in the leap-frog integrator)
 density estimate in treecode by using distance to k-th neighbour; if using spline kernel, put more (>~20), since this kernel is more concentrated
const double LYAP_DEV_INIT =1e-10
 initial value of orbit separation (if variational equation is not used and two nearby trajectories are followed)
const double LYAP_DEV_MAX =1e-6
 if distance between nearby trajectories reaches the following threshold, renormalize it back to LYAP_DEV_INIT
const double LYAP_VAREQ_DEV_MAX =1e5
 if variational equation is used, perform renormalization of deviation vector if greater than threshold (only for numerical convenience, since the var.equation is anyway linear)
------------- Orbit spectral analysis and classification options ----------
const size_t MAX_FFT_PRIME =41
 orbit spectrum is calculated by fast fourier transform from GSL. More...
const double FREQ_PRECISE_THRESHOLD =5.0
 Use Hunter's method for precise determination of frequency of a given line if the spectrum neat its maximum is reasonably similar to that of a single line. More...
const size_t MAX_SPECTRAL_LINES =10
 maximal number of spectral lines in each coordinate to search for
 do not use lines which amplitude is X times lower than amplitude of the leading line
const double FREQ_ACCURACY =0.1
 accuracy of frequency comparison (to determine resonances), in units of Nyquist frequency
const double FREQ_DIFF_REG_MIN =1e-6
 minimum value of freq.diff threshold separating regular and chaotic orbits (actual threshold depends on integration interval)
const int FREQ_RES_2 =10
 maximum order of m:n frequency resonance (or linear dependence of three frequencies)
const int FREQ_RES_3 =10
 maximum order of l*a+m*b+n*c frequency commensurability (thin orbit)
const double OC_PYRAMID_AVGZ =0.1
 threshold value of |<z>| / rmax to classify orbit as pyramid or saucer
const size_t MAX_POINCARE_POINTS =10000
 max number of points in Poincare section
 fraction of closest pericenter passages which are used in fitting
 minimum number of points used in pericenter fitting
 defines max points in pericenter fitting
------------- Orbit library / Schwarzschild modelling options ---------------

sample initial conditions out to a radius containing this fraction of mass

const double MAX_LAGRANGIAN_RADIUS =0.999
 number of radial points used in createMassModel
 max relative difference in cell mass to consider the cell as feasible: abs(1-Mcell/Mcellrequired)
const double SCHW_MIN_ORBIT_WEIGHT_USED =1e-4
 min orbit weight to use the orbit after the optimization problem solved (divide by number of orbits!)
const double NBEXPORT_XV_FACTOR =10.0
 Nbody export: relative importance of nullifying total angular momentum at the expense of pericenter velocity * pericenter offset.
-------------- Options for GUI and high-level operations ------------
 number of points in curve representing equipotential surface (actually *4)
const size_t NUM_POINTS_PLOT_POINCARE =100
 number of points in outer bounding curve in Poincare section (actually *4)
 min. weight of orbit to be displayed in GUI
const double PLOT_FREQ_MAX_F =5.0
 width of frequency spectrum displayed (in units of orbital frequency)

-------- Various convenience definitions --------

typedef std::vector
< CBasicOrbitRuntimeFnc * > 
 convenience definition of vectors of timestep functions and function creators
typedef std::vector< const
CBasicOrbitRuntimeFncCreator * > 
typedef std::vector< const
CBasicInformation * > 
typedef std::vector
< CPosVelPoint< double > > 
 convenience definitions of templated vectors containing particle sets with/without masses
typedef std::vector
< CPosVelPoint< float > > 
double pow_2 (double x)
 convenience shorthand for squaring a number
float pow_2 (float x)
size_t pow_2 (size_t x)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
bool comparepair (const std::pair< T1, T2 > &val1, const std::pair< T1, T2 > &val2)
 convenience function for sorting arrays of std::pair<float/double, something>

Correspondence between potential/density names and corresponding classes

const CConfigPotential defaultConfigPotential
 default parameters for all possible potentials More...
const char * getPotentialNameByType (CDensity::POTENTIALTYPE type)
 return the name of the potential of a given type, or empty string if unavailable
const char * getDensityNameByType (CDensity::POTENTIALTYPE type)
 return the name of the density of a given type, or empty string if unavailable
const char * getSymmetryNameByType (CDensity::SYMMETRYTYPE type)
 return the name of the symmetry of a given type, or empty string if unavailable
CDensity::POTENTIALTYPE getPotentialTypeByName (const std::string &PotentialName)
 return the type of the potential model by its name, or PT_UNKNOWN if unavailable
CDensity::POTENTIALTYPE getDensityTypeByName (const std::string &DensityName)
 return the type of the density model by its name, or PT_UNKNOWN if unavailable
CDensity::SYMMETRYTYPE getSymmetryTypeByName (const std::string &SymmetryName)
 return the type of symmetry by its name, or ST_DEFAULT if unavailable
const char * coefFileExtension (CDensity::POTENTIALTYPE pottype)
 return file extension for writing the coefficients of potential of the given type
CDensity::POTENTIALTYPE coefFileType (const std::string &fileName)
 find potential type by file extension

Detailed Description

common namespace for all core SMILE classes, functions and variables

Typedef Documentation

typedef void smile::show_message_type(const std::string &origin, const std::string &message)

a function that shows a given message string.

implementation is program-specific, may dump text to stderr or do something else.

[in]originis the name of calling function
[in]messageis the text to be displayed

Function Documentation

bool smile::computeNperiods ( const CConfigOrbit *  configOrbit,
const CPotential *  potential,
const CPosVelPoint< double > &  initCond,
int  coord_section,
int  Nperiods,
CPosVelPoint< double > *  endCond 

starting from the given initial conditions in a plane x[coord_section]=0, x'[coord_section]!=0, integrate an orbit until it crosses the same plane for N-th time.

Return the final coordinates at this crossing.

template<typename NumT >
double smile::computeTimeUnit ( const CPotential *  potential,
const CPosVelPoint< NumT > &  initCond 

Utility function to get the period of long-axis orbit in the given potential with the energy E corresponding to initial conditions.

It is given by the integral $ T_{rad} = 4*\int_0^{X_{max}(E)} dx/\sqrt{2*(E-\Phi(x))}. $

void smile::createAlmostUniformGrid ( const std::vector< double > &  srcpoints,
size_t  minbin,
size_t *  gridsize,
std::vector< double > *  grid 

creates an almost uniform grid so that each bin contains at least minbin points from input array.

input points are in srcpoints array and MUST BE SORTED in ascending order (assumed but not cheched). grid must point to an existing (but possibly uninitialized) vector which will have length at most gridsize. NB: in the present implementation, the algorithm is not very robust and works well only for gridsize*minbin << srcpoints.size, assuming that 'problematic' bins only are found close to endpoints but not in the middle of the grid.

const CDensity * smile::createDensity ( const CConfigPotential *  config)

create a density model according to the parameters.

This only deals witj finite-mass models, including some of the CPotential descendants.

[in]configPotentialcontains the parameters (density type, mass, shape, etc.)
the instance of CDensity, or NULL in case of incorrect parameters
CMassModel * smile::createMassModel ( const CDensity *  density,
double  Rmin = 0,
double  Rmax = 0,
const CMassModel *  poten = NULL 

create an equivalent spherical mass model for the given density profile.

[in]densityis the non-spherical density model to be approximated
[in]poten(optional) another spherical mass model that provides the potential (if it is not given self-consistently by this density profile).
[in]numNodesspecifies the number of radial grid points in the M(r) profile
[in]Rminis the radius of the innermost non-zero grid node (0 means auto-select)
[in]Rmaxis the radius outermost grid node (0 means auto-select)
new instance of CMassModel on success, or NULL on fail (e.g. if the density model was infinite)
void smile::createNonuniformGrid ( size_t  nnodes,
double  xmin,
double  xmax,
bool  zeroelem,
std::vector< double > *  grid 

generates a grid with exponentially growing spacing.

x[k] = (exp(Z k) - 1)/(exp(Z) - 1), and the value of Z is computed so the the 1st element is at xmin and last at xmax.

[in]nnodes– total number of grid points
[in]xmin,xmax– location of the first and the last node
[in]zeroelem– if true, 0th node is at zero (otherwise at xmin)
[out]grid– pointer to an existing array which will be overwritten by this routine
const CPotential * smile::createPotential ( CConfigPotential *  config)

create an instance of CPotential according to the parameters passed.

[in,out]configspecifies the potential parameters, which could be modified, e.g. if the potential coefficients are loaded from a file. Massive black hole (config->Mbh) is not included in the potential (the returned potential is always non-composite)
the instance of potential, or NULL in case of failure
template<typename NumT >
const CPotential * smile::createPotentialFromPoints ( const CConfigPotential *  configPotential,
const CPointMassSet< NumT > *  points 

create a potential of a generic expansion kind from a set of point masses.

[in]configPotentialcontains the parameters (potential type, number of terms in expansion, etc.)
[in]pointsis the array of particles that are used in computing the coefficients; if potential type is PT_NB, then an instance of tree-code potential is created.
a new instance of potential on success, or NULL on failure (e.g. if potential type is inappropriate).
double smile::findIntersection ( const CPotential *  potential,
double  E,
double  X,
double  Y,
double  Z,
double  Omega = 0 

Find the location of the equipotential surface in a given direction: solve for k such that Phi(k*X, k*Y, k*Z) = E .

double smile::findMin ( gsl_function *  F,
double  xlower,
double  xupper,
double  xinit,
double  reltoler = 1e-8 

wrapper for GSL minimization routine to find local minimum enclosed between xlower < xinit < xupper.

xinit is the initial guess and the value to be returned in the case of error.

double smile::findMinGuess ( gsl_function *  F,
double  xlower,
double  xupper,
double  reltoler = 1e-8 

wrapper for GSL minimization routine to find local minimum enclosed between xlower < xupper.

employed when the initial minimum location is not really known but suspected to exist in the interval. performs binary search to find the initial minimum location and then calls GSL routines to refine it. if the interval doesn't enclose minimum then one of the endpoints is returned.

bool smile::findPeriodicOrbit ( const CPotential *  potential,
double  Omega,
unsigned int  coord_section,
unsigned int  coord_first,
bool  threeD,
unsigned int  Nperiods,
CPosVelPoint< double > *  IC 

Utility function to find a periodic orbit in the plane coord1:coord2 which is closest to the provided initial conditions.

double smile::findRoot ( gsl_function *  F,
double  xlower,
double  xupper,
double  xdefault = 0,
double  reltoler = 1e-8 

wrapper for GSL root solver running multiple iterations until the convergence is achieved.

may additionally specify desired relative tolerance and default value to be returned if endpoints don't enclose root.

template<typename NumT >
bool smile::fitMassModel ( const std::vector< NumT > &  particlecoord,
const std::vector< NumT > &  particlevalue,
std::vector< double > *  gridcoord,
std::vector< double > *  gridvalue,
double  smoothing = 0,
size_t  gridsize = 0,
size_t  nskip = 0,
CMassModel::FITTYPE  ftype = CMassModel::FT_MASS,
const CMassModel *  model = NULL 

Function that computes the input data for a spherical mass model from a given array of particles.

Depending on the parameter ftype, it may use the information on the radial mass profile, or on the distribution function in energy. There are three regimes:

  • if ftype==CMassModel::FT_MASS, the input consists particle radii and masses, and the output is a grid in radii and an array of cumulative mass interior to the given radius.
  • if ftype==CMassModel::FT_DF_ENERGY, the input is particle energies and masses, and the output is a grid in energy and the values of distribution function f(E).
  • if ftype==CMassModel::FT_DF_PHASEVOL, the input is the same as above, and the output is a grid in phase volume h(E) and the values of distribution function f(h); h(E) is defined as the volume of phase space for energy up to E. In the first case, the output array {r, M(r)} may be fed to the constructor of CMassModel; in other cases a mass model must be provided in the parameter model.
    true if the fit was successful
[in]particlecoordarray of particle coordinates (if ftype==CMassModel::FT_MASS) or energies otherwise
[in]particlevaluearray of particle masses
[out]gridcoordoutput grid in r, E, or h, depending on ftype
[out]gridvalueoutput the values of M(r) or f(E or h)
[in]smoothingsmoothing parameter used in penalized spline smoothing
[in]gridsizesize of the output grid, 0 means determine automatically
[in]nskipnumber of points to skip at the ends of grid
[in]ftypeaction to perform
[in]modelexisting mass model (if ftype!=CMassModel::FT_MASS)
const char * smile::getIntegratorNameByType ( CBasicOdeIntegrator::STEPPERKIND  integratorType)

Correspondence between ODE integrator names and types return the name for a given integrator type

const char * smile::getSchwDataNameByType ( CBasicSchwData::SCHWDATATYPE  dataType)

Correspondence between Schw.model names and types.

return the name for a given Schwarzschild data type

void smile::gsl_verbose_error_handler ( const char *  reason,
const char *  file,
int  line,
int  gsl_errno 

error reporting routine which is invoked from inside GSL.

By default GSL crashes program on any error, which is not fun. To change this behaviour, add the following line at the start of the program: gsl_set_error_handler(&smile::gsl_verbose_error_handler);

double smile::longAxisRadius ( const CPotential *  potential,
double  E,
double  Omega = 0 

Convenience function to find the maximal elongation of long-axis orbit of given energy.

(i.e. solve for Phi(x,0,0)=E ).

void smile::my_stderr_show_message ( const std::string &  origin,
const std::string &  message 

default routine that dumps text messages to stderr

default message printing routine

void smile::readConfigOrbit ( const CConfigFile &  configReader,
CConfigOrbit *  ptrConfigOrbit 

Read configuration data for orbit integration (a subset of parameters contained in the [Orbit] section of INI file).

[in]configReaderis the instance of class that handles the INI file;
[in,out]ptrConfigOrbitis the pointer to the configuration block that will be filled with the values read from the INI file; if no corresponding value exists in the file, then an old one is retained.
void smile::readConfigPotential ( const CConfigFile &  configReader,
CConfigPotential *  ptrConfigPotential,
unsigned int  potGroup = 0 

Read the configuration data from the INI file which is contained in one [Potential*] section.

[in]configReaderis the instance of class that handles the INI file;
[in,out]ptrConfigPotentialis the pointer to the configuration block that will be filled with the values read from the INI file; if no corresponding value exists in the file, then an old one is retained.
[in]potGroupis the index of potential group (the first one is contained in the section [Potential], the second one in [Potential1], etc.).
const CPotential * smile::readPotential ( CConfigPotential *  configPotential)

load a potential from a text or snapshot file.

The input file may contain one of the following kinds of data:

  • a Nbody snapshot in a text or binary format, handled by classes derived from CBasicIOSnapshot;
  • a potential coefficients file for CPotentialBSE, CPotentialBSECompact, CPotentialSpline, or CPotentialCylSpline;
  • a density model described by CDensityEllipsoidal or CDensityMGE. The data format is determined from the first line of the file, and if it is allowed by the parameters passed in configPotential, then the file is read and the instance of a corresponding potential is created. If the input data was not the potential coefficients and the new potential is of BSE or Spline type, then a new file with potential coefficients is created and written via writePotential(), so that later one may load this coef file instead of the original one, which speeds up initialization.
    [in,out]configPotentialcontains the potential parameters and may be updated upon reading the file (e.g. the number of expansion coefficients may change). If the file doesn't contain appropriate kind of potential (i.e. if configPotential->PotentialType is PT_NB but the file contains BSE coefficients or a description of MGE model), an error is returned. configPotential->NbodyFile contains the file name from which the data is loaded.
    a new instance of CPotential on success, or NULL on failure (display an error message by calling my_error() in that case).
void smile::splitString ( const std::string &  src,
const std::string &  delim,
std::vector< std::string > *  result 

routine that splits one line from a text file into several items.

[in]src– string to be split
[in]delim– array of characters used as delimiters
[out]result– pointer to an existing array of strings in which the elements will be stored
template<typename NumT >
double smile::totalEnergy ( const CPotential *  potential,
const CPosVelPoint< NumT > &  point,
double  Omega = 0,
double  t = 0 

Convenience function to return the total energy (or Jacobi integral if Omega!=0) for a given position+velocity point.

void smile::tuneNonPrime ( size_t *  n)

utility function to ensure that n does not have large prime divisors.

if needed, decrease it (in the FFT primes are great evil).

void smile::writeConfigOrbit ( CConfigFile &  configWriter,
const CConfigOrbit *  ptrConfigOrbit 

Write configuration data for orbit integration to INI file.

[in,out]configWriteris the instance of class that handles the INI file (it will be updated);
[in]ptrConfigOrbitis the pointer to the configuration block for the orbit integration.
void smile::writeConfigPotential ( CConfigFile &  configWriter,
const CConfigPotential *  ptrConfigPotential,
unsigned int  potGroup = 0 

Write the configuration data for one potential component into the INI file.

[in,out]configWriteris the instance of class that handles the INI file (it will be updated);
[in]ptrConfigPotentialis the pointer to the configuration block for the potential component;
[in]potGroupis the index of potential section (0th is written to the section [Potential], 1st to section [Potential1], etc.)
bool smile::writePotential ( const std::string &  fileName,
const CPotential *  potential 

write potential expansion coefficients to a text file.

The potential must be one of the following expansion classes: CPotentialBSE, CPotentialBSECompact, CPotentialSpline, CPotentialCylSpline, CPotentialScaleFreeSH. The coefficients stored in a file may be later loaded by readPotential() function.

[in]fileNameis the output file
[in]potentialis the pointer to potential
true on success, false on failure (file not writeable or potential is of inappropriate type).

Variable Documentation

const CConfigOrbit smile::defaultConfigOrbit
Initial value:
= {

default parameters for orbit integration and classification

const CConfigPotential smile::defaultConfigPotential
Initial value:
= {

default parameters for all possible potentials

contains default potential parameters

const double smile::FREQ_PRECISE_THRESHOLD =5.0

Use Hunter's method for precise determination of frequency of a given line if the spectrum neat its maximum is reasonably similar to that of a single line.

Otherwise use less precise method without Hanning filtering. Controls threshold for selection.

const gsl_interp_type* smile::gsl_interp_ccspline

a variant of cubic spline with given values of first derivative at endpoints.

these values are passed as two additional points in y[i] array ( y[npoints] for leftmost, y[npoints+1] for rightmost). if one wants to leave the standard, natural boundary condition (second derivative is zero), then pass NaN as a correspoinding 1st derivative parameter.

const size_t smile::MAX_FFT_PRIME =41

orbit spectrum is calculated by fast fourier transform from GSL.

to avoid worst-case behavior of FFT, we ensure that its length never contains primes larger that MAX_FFT_PRIME (here equal to 42 minus unity)

show_message_type * smile::my_message_ptr = &my_stderr_show_message

global variable to the routine that shows information messages (emitted by various time-consuming routines to display progress), if NULL then no messaging is done

global variable to the routine that shows information messages.

called by various time-consuming routines to display progress, if NULL then no messaging is done

PyMethodDef smile::RedirectionMethods[]
Initial value:
= {
{"stdoutredirect", redirection_stdoutredirect, METH_VARARGS,
"stdout redirection helper"},
static PyObject * redirection_stdoutredirect(PyObject *, PyObject *args)
helper routine to record messages from Python interpreter and pass them to my_message() ...
Definition: optimization.cpp:363