SMILE  v2.5
Schwarzschild Modelling Interactive expLoratory Environment
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Csmile::CBasicICGeneratorBase class for creating initial conditions for orbit library
 Csmile::CBasicInformationParent class for data container objects used to store various data and exchange it between objects
 Csmile::CBasicIOSnapshotThe abstract class implementing reading and writing snapshots; derived classes take the filename as the argument of the constructor
 Csmile::CBasicOdeIntegratorBasic class for numerical integrators of ODE system
 Csmile::CBasicOrbitFilteringFncParent class for orbit filtering functions which evaluate whether an orbit should be used (in some calculation)
 Csmile::CBasicOrbitRuntimeFncDefines a routine which may be called after each integration timestep to perform user-specific data collection
 Csmile::CBasicOrbitRuntimeFncCreatorDefines a basic class that creates some sort of runtime function for any orbit in the orbit library
 Csmile::CBasicQuadraticOptimizationSolver< NumT >The interface class for various third-party quadratic optimization solvers
 Csmile::CBasicQuadraticOptimizationSolver< smNumType >
 Csmile::CBasicSchwDataBase class for Schwarzschild Data objects
 Csmile::CBasicSchwModelBase class for Schwarzschild Modelling driver objects
 Csmile::CBasicSpectrumAnalyzerBasic class for various methods of spectral analysis
 Csmile::CConfigCoreCommon configuration parameters for various tasks in CSmileCore
 Csmile::CConfigFileUtility class for handling an INI file
 Csmile::CConfigOrbitGeneral parameters for orbit integration and classification
 Csmile::CConfigPotentialStructure that contains parameters for all possible potentials
 Csmile::CDensityBase class defining density model (without corresponding potential)
 Csmile::CPotentialNB::cellCELL: structure used to represent internal nodes of tree
 Csmile::CFileInputTextClass for reading data from a text file, possibly accompanied by binary files for the orbit library
 Csmile::CFileOutputTextClass for writing data to a text file, possibly accompanied by binary files for the orbit library
 Csmile::CDensityMGE::CGaussianDefines one component of the multi-gaussian expansion
 Csmile::CMassModelClass defining a spherical mass model
 Csmile::CMassModelAxisymmetricClass for representing an axisymmetric density model
 Csmile::CMatrix< NumT >Interface for matrix storage
 Csmile::CMatrix< smNumType >
 Csmile::CNemoSnapshotWriterHelper class that writes NEMO-compatible snapshot file
 Csmile::COdeSystemBasic class of ODE system used in the orbit integrator
 Csmile::COrbitDescContainer for orbit initial conditions and information objects
 Csmile::COrbitLauncherAn utility class that keeps all necessary data to start orbit integration
 Csmile::COrbitLibraryThe collection of orbits
 Csmile::CPointMassSet< NumT >An array of particles with positions, velocities and masses
 Csmile::CPointMassSet< double >
 Csmile::CPointMassSet< float >
 Csmile::CPointMassSetHandler< NumT >A helper object for computing the virial ratio for a set of point masses
 Csmile::CPointMassSetHandler< float >
 Csmile::CPosPoint< NumT >Data-only class containing 3 coordinates
 Csmile::CPosVelPoint< NumT >Data-only class containing 3 coordinates and 3 velocities
 Csmile::CPosVelPoint< double >
 Csmile::CPosVelPoint< float >
 Csmile::CSpectralLineDefinition of one spectral line in one-dimensional time series (nothing to do with spectroscopy!:)
 Csmile::CSplineApproxPenalized linear least-square fitting problem
 Csmile::CTriangleDefines a triangle with indexed vertices referring to points from the trajectory
 Csmile::CPotentialNB::nodeNODE: data common to BODY and CELL structures
 CsmilepotDefines a wrapper class that is used in constructing NEMO potential and acceleration objects from a SMILE potential that is specified by parameters in an ini file, or by a potential coefficients file
 Csmile::StringVariantSimple string-based variant implementation that allows the user to easily convert between simple numeric/string types